Private IP leakage in Exchange 2007 SMTP header
The SMTP header for Exchange 2007 includes the Server's private IP when sending email to external systems across the internet. The intra-system message flowshows as follows within a single server and this info is included in the header sent tothe recipient system. _________________________________________________________ Received: from ex07.sbcx.local ([]) by ex07.sbcx.local ([]) with mapi; Sun, 18 Feb 2007 19:22:17 -0600 ________________________________________________________ This is a basic security issue. Either Exchange 2007 can be configured to exclude this information or it is a design oversight. In other forums, people have chosen to argue about whether this is a problem . .We are a security auditing firm for banks and we can't have private IP leakagein our smtp headers when we emailencryptedsecurity assessment reports to our clients.
Is there a setting to correct this ??
February 19th, 2007 7:06am