I see multiple of these monitoring alerts each day. I have tried moving the mailboxes to different databases and restarting servers, but these keep happening. Different users each time but occasionally repeated. Any ideas how to correct this?
Alert...................: Health Set unhealthy Resolution State: New
Source...............: SERVERNAME - Compliance
Path...................: SERVERNAME;SERVERNAME
Severity..............: 2
Hold errors. Exception Details: .
Probe Exception: 'Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.DumpsterOperationException: Copy to dumpster failed. The error message is Move 1 item(s) to the dumpster folder RecoverableItemsDeletions failed on mailbox /o=Domain/cn=users/cn=USERNAME, which is on hold. This operation is from client Client=MSExchangeRPC and its result is PartiallySucceeded. ---> Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.PartialCompletionException: Move/Copy messages failed. ---> Microsoft.Mapi.MapiExceptionPartialCompletion: MapiExceptionPartialCompletion: Unable to copy message(s).