Problem Getting Specific User Settings to Override Organizational Defaults
Intwo paid incident calls to MS Tech Support, and in the Exchange Server 2007 Pocket Consultant we have been told that it is possible for specific user settings to override organizational level settings in these specific areas:
Specificusers need to send and/or receive message attachments larger than that set as organizational default
Specificusers need to send messagesto more recipients(in a single email) than that set as organizational default
Specific users need to have a mailbox size larger than that set as the organizational default
Now we are being told that this is not the case. That in fact the transport/organizational global settings purpose is to set an upper maximum settings in these areas, and allow tighter restrictions by usernot the other way around.
This seems counter-intuitive, and as I said above, contradicts what we were told intwo paid incident calls to MS Tech Support, and in the Exchange Server 2007 Pocket Consultant.
So what I'd like to know is has anyone had direct experience with this in Exchange 2007? Have you been able to set specific user limits to be higher in these three areas than the organizational settings?
Thanks in advance for any insight you can offer!
July 26th, 2007 5:59pm
There is a lot of confusion surrounding this issue, even from within Microsoft. It is my undertanding (thought I have not tested it) is that this behavior is the same as it is in E2K/E2K3. You can NOT override the system limit and give one user a higher limit.
If Microsoft support told you something that is wrong, you definitely need to call them up and ask for your money back. I guess you could always do the same with the book.
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July 27th, 2007 8:45am