SBS 2011 std/Exchange 2010.
I have setup OA as below.
remote.domain.tld is also the url for RWW and to which the SBS security certificate is bound.
I can't get Outlook to connect remotely from outside the SBS domain. My Outlook setup is below;
I do get a login box so its partially working;
But the credentials fail and I get
Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Rpc\Rpcproxy the key ValidPorts already had the underlined in the following. Rest was added by me.
SBS-SERVER:593;SBS-SERVER:49152-65535;SBS-SERVER:6001-6004;SBS-SERVER.sbsdomain.local:6001-6004I seem to be able to telnet to remote.domain.tld
over ports 6001, 6002 and 6004. When I do
telnet remote.domain.tld 6001
I get;
I can ping remote.domain.tld but not remote.domain.tld:6001
Where I can find what is blocking the connection?
- Edited by Y a h y a Saturday, August 01, 2015 4:14 AM