Problem installing Office365

Trying to install Office 365 from a network share.  The /download command works fine, but when trying to /configure, the setup starts and ends after a minute or so.  The log shows error 17004.  I searched for that error code, and all I could find was someone trying to install on a VM and had a disk space error.  We have 30GB free and I'm installing on a PC, not a VM.  Install log is below.  

*Update* - If I download to the local system, and then run the /configure, it installs without issue.  

Timestamp Process TID Area Category EventID Level Message Correlation
06/11/2015 08:43:38.917 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amaxp MediumBaseConfigure::TryGetConfiguration: EULA's have been accepted. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.929 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aoh85 MediumAdminConfigure::HandleStateAction: Configuring an install/crosssell scenario. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.931 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aqdco MonitorableTryCheckNetworkCost::HandleStateAction: Failed to initialize NetworkCostManager for \\ourserver\Office365\O365Business. Assuming low cost and proceeding. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.931 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aoh9i MediumTryGetVersionDescriptor::HandleStateAction: Getting Cab: 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.951 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amecw Medium Descriptor::Load: Reading Available value from descriptor: 15.0.4719.1002 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.951 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amecx Medium Descriptor::Load: Prereq Node exists. Being parsing it. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.951 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amecy Medium Descriptor::Load: Reading Bootstrapper value from descriptor: 15.0 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.951 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amax8 MediumTryGetVersionDescriptor::HandleStateAction: Descriptor contains Prereqs. Run them now. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.953 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run anwwb MediumIsNativeValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.953 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run an8w1 MediumO15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: Validator has version descriptor 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.953 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run an8w6 MediumO15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: No Office 15 installation detected. Prereq check passes. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.953 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry an8xa MediumO15BetaValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.955 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry anwwn MediumSXSValidator::CheckPreReq: Cross bitness test passed. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry anwwp MediumBootstrapperValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry an8w0 MediumClientValidator::CheckPreReq: returning: 1. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry anwwe MediumDiskSpaceValidator::CheckPreReq: Free disk space is sufficient. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry ami7t MediumPrereq::PrereqsFailed returned 0 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aoh9n MediumTryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Installation path is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amaya MediumTryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Looking for existing client. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.956 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amayd MediumTryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Did not find an existing client. Downloading a new one. 
06/11/2015 08:43:38.957 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aon8l MediumTryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Getting Cab: 
06/11/2015 08:43:39.363 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry amawv MediumMonitoredScope::ExecuteUnderStopWatch: TryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Getting Cab. Approximate duration: 405 milliseconds. 
06/11/2015 08:43:39.363 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run amaye MediumTryGetClient::HandleStateAction: Found C2R Client in extracted cab. 
06/11/2015 08:43:39.363 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aoh9t MediumTryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: Launching OfficeClickToRun.exe with parameters: scenario=unknown acceptalleulas="True" cdnbaseurl="" productreleaseid="none" displaylevel="False" culture="en-us" baseurl="\\ourserver\Office365\O365Business" lcid="1033" platform="x86" updatebaseurl="\\Server\Share" updatesenabled="True" autoUpgrade="True" o365businessretail.excludedapps="lync,infopath,groove,access,publisher" autoactivate="1" version="15.0.4719.1002" productstoadd="O365BusinessRetail_en-us_x-none" trackedduration=405 
06/11/2015 08:43:40.952 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry ami7s MonitorableTryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: C2R Client Install Process returned code 17004 
06/11/2015 08:43:40.952 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry apx75 MonitorableTryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: C2R Client returned failing error code 17004 
06/11/2015 08:43:40.952 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry amc3q MonitorableTryHandleClientError::HandleStateAction: Cleaning up stale Office installation. 
06/11/2015 08:43:42.180 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run aoh72 MediumExitBootStateMachine::HandleStateAction: Bootstrapper workflow exiting with result: 0x0 
06/11/2015 08:43:42.180 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Click-To-Run Telemetry aoh9z MediumAdminBootstrapper::Main: Installation came back with 17004. 
06/11/2015 08:43:42.182 SETUP (0x8ea8) 0x8e90 Logging Liblet aqc99 Medium Logging liblet uninitializing. 

June 12th, 2015 6:07pm

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