Problem receiving emails containing accented characters in Exchange 2010
We receive weekly report in html email format from an automatic system. While it is received OK for users still on Exchange 2003, once these users are migrated to Exchange 2010, the accented characters get changed. In both cases, they are running OL2003
My assumptions is that we can see unicode rules for outgoing messages but can we control the conversion of incoming emails.
Thanks in advance.
December 13th, 2010 2:47pm
First, I would like to confirm the following questions:
1. Does the issue occur on certain mailbox user or each mailbox user on Exchange 2010 server?
2. Does the email contain non-English characters?
At this stage, I suggest you receive the report email via other account in Outlook, such as Hotmail. Does the issue occur when trying to receive the email in Hotmail?
Also, please temporarily replace another machine to check the result.
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December 15th, 2010 2:39am