Problem removing database
Little bit of background info that may be helpful. We have migrated from a single sbs2003 box to server 2008 + exchange 2010 (exch1) however it was decided that the server we migrated to lacked the resources. So we decided to move exchange to a new server that could cope. I installed a new server 2008r2 and exchange 2010sp1 (exch2) and moved the mailboxes to the new server. On the sbs box we were using public folders and the contents were replicated to the exch1 all was ok. We have since removed the need for public folders, however there were not totally cleared. I have now started demoting exch and have a bit of a wall with the removing the mailbox role. When I try to remove it I get the following message. Error: Uninstall cannot continue. Database 'Public Folder Database 0642614424': The public folder database "Public Folder Database 0642614424" contains folder replicas. Before deleting the public folder database, remove the folders or move the replicas to another public folder database. For detailed instructions about how to remove a public folder database. I have followed the instructions for moving the replicas because there was still data in the folder using the ems script and when I ran the cmd Get-PublicFolderStatistics on exch1 and it returns no results. So I attempted to remove the roll again, but still got the same message. So I backed up the edb and attempted to use ems cmdlet to delete all folders from inside the database. This appeared to work as while there are folders listed they show 0 items where as before they had items in them. Again I tried to remove the roll and same error code. When I run the cmd Get-MailboxDatabase | ft Name,PublicFolderDatabase it only shows the database that I originally created on exch2 to hold the public folders. I've checked the client settings for the mailbox database on exch2 and this points to the public folder on exch2. I've made sure that OAB is not be distributed using public folders. I can't anything that exists in that database but still get the same error. I even tried deleting the edb and recreating a blank one by remounting which it did but I still got the same error. Any help really can't see anything that I've not tried.
December 16th, 2010 6:52pm

Unfortunately you haven't said what you did, what instructions you followed. Did you use the moveallreplicas script? That will usually get everything off to another server. It isn't instant, it can take a few hours before you can drop the database. Simon.Simon Butler, Exchange MVP Blog | Exchange Resources
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December 16th, 2010 7:26pm

Hello Simon, Yes it was the moveallrepicas script. with (-server exch1 -newserver exch2) which completes ok. Also the instructions here and nearly every link off that page aswell in relation to problems moving database Its been about 12 hours since I ran that script but still no joy. Strange thing, when I made the empty database (what I thought to be empty) by copying the folder and then renaming the original I didn't go back to check its size, however when I just checked it it was 150mb. When I repeated the same steps it instantly created a file of the same size. Does this imply that something is filling it with data or is that just a default size.
December 17th, 2010 3:58am

Anyone able to help me out here? I don't think it is a case of waiting for it to replicate as it has been over 24 hours to replicate empty folders
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December 17th, 2010 5:19pm

There is probably a single reference to a public folder somewhere in the domain, pointing to that server. Finding it though is going to be difficult. As Microsoft do not support any manual removal method, you may have to bring Microsoft in on this one. 150mb is quite large for a default database - they are usually around 8mb. That would tend to indicate something is being replicated. However if the hierarchy isn't there then the data will not show in get-publicfolderstatistics. Try using exfolders to see if you can find the replica. Simon.Simon Butler, Exchange MVP Blog | Exchange Resources
December 17th, 2010 8:50pm

Hello Simon, I used exfolders and it was unable to connect to the database on exch1, but was able to connect to the database on exch2, eventually. I had a couple of errors connecting. First was exfolders the active directory user was not found which I resolved but doing the following here Open adsiedit and check if there any objects in CN=Servers,CN=Fist administrative group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Erste Organisation,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local. Is the container "CN=Servers" empty, then delete it. After resolving that I noticed the entries for public folders in adsiedit so I took a look at if was possible to remove directly from there. Which lead me to here. I was unable to edit the msexchowningpftreebl instead I had to delete the value for msExchOwningPFTree on the actual public folder entry (CN=Public Folders,CN=Folder Hierarchies,CN=first administrative group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local) which cleared the backlink entry. I then deleted the database from (CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local) I then ran the uninstaller and it went through without a hitch. So finally there thanks for the help
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December 18th, 2010 6:50am

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