Heres a list of issues I have had with this one particular computer:
1: Computer is Windows 7 x64 OS
2: Running Outlook 2010
3: While searching email in outlook, it crashes. No error just simply states that outlook has crashed.
4: Windows Search (from start menu) does not work for this user.
Things I've tried / noticed:
1: Domain administrator account has no problem using the search feature, only this user.
2: I have re-indexed.
3: I have tried stopping and starting the windows search service.
4: I have tried disabling the windows search feature and reenabling it.
5: For this user, running Outlook 2010 in safe mode will allow the ability to search in outlook, however, no addin seems to be causing the problem (have disabled them all one at a time). Apparently, my user cant live w/o instant search, so this isnt a fix.
Any thoughts?