Problem with Default Global Address List
Hi. I create a New Global Address List because the GAL Default "Default Global Address List" is damaged.
The new GAL is asigned to users but I can not delete "Default Global Address List", in Adsiedit show the GAL. Attempt delete but show message "An invalid directory pathname was passed".
I appreciate you help!!! Regards,Carlos Morales
September 24th, 2010 2:15pm
i doubt .. we can delete default GAL.
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September 25th, 2010 2:49am
I am sure that it is becausee Setup /forestprep, does not completed properly and thus permissions are not applied properly.
You may proceed to the steps below to confirm it and find a solution:
1. Open ADSI Edit and go to CN=Configuration; CN=Services; select CN=Microsoft Exchange under the Configuration container:
2. Right-click CN=Microsoft Exchange, and select Properties.
3. From the Attributes tab, under Select which properties to view, click Both.
4. From the Select what property to view pull-down menu, select Heuristics.
If the value is set to 2, then you have already run ForestPrep.
Solution is : reset the Heuristics property, click Clear, and then click Apply. The Value(s) field will have change to 'not set'.
Regards from
September 25th, 2010 3:40am
Hi ManU, the attribute Heuristics is shown "Not Set".
If attribute was already Not Set, I can to do delete Default Global Address List.
ThanksCarlos Morales
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September 27th, 2010 11:33am