Problem with Exchange 2007 recovery
Hi everyone,I have a very big problem. My exchange 2007 server failed and I installed new one (with same name). EDBs are in safe.Server is 2K3 64bit.I installed E2k7 with m:recoverserver attribute. However, the old SGs aren't there (shouldn't they?). I tried to create SGs manually and then restore mailboxes with RSG. Here starts the problem; merge portion doesn't work correctly. It doesn't find anything to restore.I don't get any error messages.I have already checked following link is current situation shortly:- Reinstalled E2K7 with m:recoverserver attribute- All mailboxes are listed but not working- I created manually the SGs and mailbox databases exactly with old namesHope somebody can help me.
March 9th, 2009 10:27pm
Update:Now my merge operation founds the mailboxes, but I get following error message:"database is mandatory on usermailbox"
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March 9th, 2009 11:39pm
Please try to swap restored database (From NTbackup) with new created empty database
The procedure in this thread will help
March 10th, 2009 10:30am
There are certain things you need to follow before recovering the EX2007 server. See below Article. Similar Case:- Vinod
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September 7th, 2009 3:19pm