Problem with SendOnlyToChanged


I tried to use EWS API 2.0 to remove an attendee from the exchange calendar meeting with option "SendOnlyToChanged". Removed attendee received an email with "cancel" the meeting but others attendees also received an email with update the meeting. I don't know why because I set SendOnlyToChanged option.

So every time when I removed attendee others received an meeting update.

My code:

ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2);
service.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
service.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, email@email);

String sEntryID = _szkolenie_item["outlook_calendar_item_id"].ToString();
String sEWSID = GetConvertedEWSID(service, sEntryID, "email@email");

Appointment _spotkanie = Appointment.Bind(service, new ItemId(sEWSID));
for (int i = 0; i < _spotkanie.RequiredAttendees.Count; i++)
if (_spotkanie.RequiredAttendees[i].Address.ToLower().Equals(getSPUser(_site2, _zapisy_item["uczestnik"].ToString()).Email.ToLower()))
_spotkanie.Update(ConflictResolutionMode.AlwaysOverwrite, SendInvitationsOrCancellationsMode.SendOnlyToChanged);


 Anybody can explain why this happened and how to fi

March 22nd, 2013 2:37pm

I'm having the same problem. Did you find any solution to it? Work around?
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April 18th, 2013 2:11am

unfortunately not :-(

still looking for a solution

April 30th, 2013 11:24am

Quoting from EWS sends invitations to everyone when removing a required attendee , the trick is to use ConflictResolutionMode.AutoResolve. The answer there does not give a reason.

Note from that question text that this not seem to be an issue when adding attendees.

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July 22nd, 2015 7:41am

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