Problems removing first Exchange 2003 server
Hi everyone,
I've read throught many of the other posts regarding problems removing Exchange 2003 first exchange server.Like:
I have tried the:
But still get the: "The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbos store on a different server or be mail disabled before uinstalling this server."
What i'm wondering is doing the Manual Remove: before I do, i'm just wondering if anyone knows any other way to get the remove of Exchange 2003 to work...
Kjetil Tveit
January 22nd, 2007 12:53pm
I am assuming that nothing was listed in ADUC when you tried to find objects that still were using your first exchange server. Have you checked public folders and redirected those objects as well?
Thank you
Jay Burkey
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 22nd, 2007 6:40pm
I have runned the ADUC and i found some objects before i posted. These have been moved over to the new exchange server.
I Have redirected all the public folders, according to a KB from Microsoft. And everything should be in place to move..
But there is something i'm probably missing? or a bug?
January 23rd, 2007 12:43am
I would say its time to do a manual remove of the old exchange server.
Make sure that there are no existing problems with AD/Exchange before you do this:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 23rd, 2007 5:23pm
And how can i be sure that everything is okey? Wish there was some kind of Readiness Analyser for Manual remove of Exchange Server :o)
Kjetil Tveit
January 23rd, 2007 5:29pm
Sorry for the delay missed this one. Anyways
Have you taken a look at this tut:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 25th, 2007 8:05pm
Itook a look at this tutorial, and runned through to remove the exchange server.
But when i finally was finished, and the last thing to do was to remove the exchange server with the exchange system manager.
I got the following error:
"The server <exchangeservername> cannot be removed because:
-One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a diffrent server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
Facility: Exchange system managerID no: c103f492Exchange system manager"
Now i'm sitting here with a server where all the exchange services has been stopped, and keys deleted in registry. And IIS removed from the server.
I saw that it was possible to use the ADSI edit to remove the server, but that wouldn't clean up active directory? And i really want the active directory cleaned up. I want the server gone as an exchange server forever..
What is the best approach now? Is it bad to just let the server hang in a stage between remove and operational?
Need some guiding here:)
Thanks,Kjetil Tveit
January 29th, 2007 1:40am
Think of ADSI as the back door to Active directory. if you take a look at either ADUC or sites and services you will notice that the structure is similar. Anyways...event viewer clean meaning any other errors. Can you post your setup log to see the any additional errors. Also is message delivery through 2K7 good?
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 29th, 2007 5:02am
Cant find any related events in the eventviewer.... if that was what you were thinking.
The new exchange server is just another instance of 2003. Not 2k7. The cause of removal of this exchange is that it that the web interface/OWA and som on on this serve got screwed up, and ms people said i just should setup a new machine and migrate everything over. And yes, the emails are delivered just fine thorugh the new exchange server, even if everything regarding the old is removed, except the instance in AD.Should i just do the manual remove using ?The setup log from last "try" of removal using the exchange cd(have removed all the names of server, domainname);
[22:29:55] ************** Beginning Setup run **************[22:29:55] Starting Exchange 6944 setup on Windows 5.2.3790.Service Pack 1 at 22:29:55 01/28/2007[22:29:55] Entering CFileManager::ScInit[22:29:55] Entering CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations[22:29:55] CService::ScQueryServiceConfig (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\service.cxx:539) Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does not exist as an installed service.[22:29:55] ScGetClusterSvcDir (f:\titanium\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:2346) Error code 0XC0070424 (1060): The specified service does not exist as an installed service.[22:29:55] === IGNORING PREVIOUS ERRORS === CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\filemgr.cxx:604) The operation has completed successfully.[22:29:55] Leaving CFileManager::ScAutoDetectDirectoryLocations[22:29:55] Leaving CFileManager::ScInit[22:29:55] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInit[22:29:55] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInit[22:29:55] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInit[22:29:55] Entering ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain[22:29:55] NetGetJoinInformation: Domain/workgroup = "*domain*"[22:29:55] NetGetJoinInformation: NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS = 3[22:29:55] The computer is a member of a domain[22:29:55] Leaving ScIsComputerMemberOfDomain[22:29:55] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation[22:29:55] Getting information about the local domain[22:29:55] m_strLocalServer = "*servername*"[22:29:55] m_strLocalSite = "*cityname*"[22:29:55] DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation returned:[22:29:55] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::MachineRole = 4[22:29:55] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::Flags = 1000001[22:29:55] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameFlat = "*domain*"[22:29:55] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainNameDns = "*domain*.local"[22:29:55] DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION::DomainForestName = "*domain*.local"[22:29:55] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC[22:29:55] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScCheckCommandLineForDC[22:29:55] No user-specified DC; setup has chosen m_strDC = "*servername*"[22:29:55] schema master server name: NORDC2[22:29:56] schema master domain : /dc=local/dc=*domain*[22:29:56] m_strSchemaMasterDC = "NORDC2"[22:29:56] m_strSchemaMasterDCDomainDN = "/dc=local/dc=*domain*"[22:29:56] strConfigNC = "CN=Configuration,DC=*domain*,DC=local"[22:29:56] m_strRootDomain = "*domain*.local"[22:29:56] m_strOwnershipControlDC = "*servername*"[22:29:56] m_strPermissionControlDC = "*servername*"[22:29:56] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetLocalDomainInformation[22:29:56] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions[22:29:56] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus[22:29:56] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate[22:29:56] Entering ScGetSchemaVersion[22:29:56] About to create the dob for object /dc=local/dc=*domain*/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema/cn=ms-Exch-Schema-Version-Pt[22:29:56] The schema version identified for the Server is 6870[22:29:56] Leaving ScGetSchemaVersion[22:29:56] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScSchemaIsUpToDate[22:29:56] Entering ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics[22:29:56] Leaving ScGetMicrosoftExchangeCTHeuristics[22:29:56] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScGetCountOfOrgsInDomain[22:29:56] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetCountOfOrgsInDomain[22:29:56] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScGetOrgLevelObjectStatus[22:29:56] Entering CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel[22:29:56] Checking permissions in the Config NC: /dc=local/dc=*domain*/cn=Configuration/cn=Services[22:29:56] We have permission ConfigNC_Read[22:29:56] We have permission ConfigNC_Write[22:29:56] We have permission ConfigNC_SetPerms[22:29:56] Checking permissions on the Schema container: /dc=local/dc=*domain*/cn=Configuration/cn=Schema[22:29:56] We have permission ConfigNC_UpdateSchema[22:29:56] Checking permissions in the Domain NC: /dc=local/dc=*domain*[22:29:56] We have permission DomainNC_Read[22:29:56] We have permission DomainNC_Write[22:29:56] Checking to see if an Exchange org exists[22:29:56] Found the organization "*companyname*"[22:29:56] Checking read permissions on the org: /dc=local/dc=*domain*/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=*companyname*/cn=Administrative Groups[22:29:56] We have permission ExchOrg_Read[22:29:56] Checking write/security permissions on the org: /dc=local/dc=*domain*/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=*companyname*[22:29:56] We have permission (ExchOrg_Write | ExchAG_Write)[22:29:56] We have permission (ExchOrg_SetPerms | ExchAG_SetPerms)[22:29:56] Looking for an existing server object[22:29:56] Found existing server object "/dc=local/dc=*domain*/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=*companyname*/cn=Administrative Groups/cn=*cityname*/cn=Servers/cn=*servername*"[22:29:56] Checking permissions on the admin group: /dc=local/dc=*domain*/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=*companyname*/cn=Administrative Groups/cn=*cityname*[22:29:56] We have permission ExchAG_Read[22:29:56] We have permission ExchAG_Write[22:29:56] We have permission ExchAG_SetPerms[22:29:56] Final set of permissions: 0XF0C0E0E0[22:29:56] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScDeterminePermissionLevel[22:29:56] We have sufficient admin rights, the schema is up to date and org-level objects are present on the local DC; m_strDCToUse = "*servername*"[22:29:56] Sanity check:[22:29:56] m_strDCToUse = "*servername*"[22:29:56] m_psesToUse->m_strServerName = "*servername*"[22:29:56] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInitializeSessions[22:29:56] Leaving CDirectoryManager::ScInit[22:29:56] Beginning dump of component tree:[22:29:56] "Microsoft Exchange"[22:29:56] "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation"[22:29:56] "Microsoft Exchange Domain Preparation"[22:29:56] "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services"[22:29:56] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes"[22:29:56] "Microsoft Exchange Connector for Novell GroupWise"[22:29:56] "Microsoft Exchange Calendar Connector"[22:29:56] "Microsoft Exchange System Management Tools"[22:29:56] "Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator"[22:29:56] End dump of component tree[22:29:56] Entering ScFindRoutingGroupThatContainsServer[22:29:56] Leaving ScFindRoutingGroupThatContainsServer[22:29:56] Attempting to escape RG name (*cityname*)[22:29:56] The escaped RG name is (*cityname*)[22:29:56] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:56] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:56] Entering CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo[22:29:56] Leaving CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo[22:29:56] Entering CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability[22:29:56] Component {C7310662-AC80-11D1-8DF3-00C04FB6EF4F} is dependable[22:29:56] Component {DA943894-7A14-4FFF-BBDC-C004FAE2310B} is not dependable[22:29:56] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209) Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.[22:29:57] Component 1 is installed[22:29:57] Component {94B7AD3E-0B63-42AC-A542-082ED1F78787} is not dependable[22:29:57] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209) Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.[22:29:57] Component 2 is installed[22:29:57] Component {ECD1A63D-DBAF-442C-BF46-904364A96B00} is not dependable[22:29:57] CDependencyManager::FComponentPresent (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\depmgr.cxx:209) Error code 0X80070057 (87): Invalid Argument.[22:29:57] Component 3 is installed[22:29:57] Leaving CDependencyManager::DetermineComponentAvailability[22:29:57] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Looking for server object...[22:29:57] Found server object; looking for serial number...[22:29:57] Serial number is "Version 6.5 (Build 7638.2: Service Pack 2)"[22:29:57] Previous build is 7638, so s_fUpgradingFromPT is FALSE[22:29:57] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Entering ScIsForestPrepped[22:29:57] Checking whether the forest is ForestPrepped[22:29:57] Looking for the Exchange organization container[22:29:57] Exchange organization container found -- checking ForestPrep version[22:29:57] Installed ForestPrep version is 6903; current version is 6903[22:29:57] This forest is ForestPrepped[22:29:57] Leaving ScIsForestPrepped[22:29:57] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Entering CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights[22:29:57] Entering ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject[22:29:57] Leaving ScHavePermissionToCreateDSObject[22:29:57] User does have Domain Admin rights[22:29:57] Leaving ScDoesUserHaveDomainAdminRights[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Entering CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Entering CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Entering CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Leaving CRegistryManager::ScInitFromContext[22:29:57] Entering CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Leaving CBaseExchangeComponent::ScEvalInstalled[22:29:57] Entering CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CCompExchangeRoot::ScInitializeExchangeCompWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomDomainCT::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomPermissions::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomIMAP4::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomPOP3::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomSMTP::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomRoutingEngine::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomEventService::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScSetVersionedInstallFolder[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomWebClient::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectNotes::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomGWiseRouter::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectGWise::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectorControl::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScBuildConnectorNames[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomConnectCal::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Leaving CAtomIMAdmin::ScInitializeExchangeAtomWithCtxInfo[22:29:57] Entering ScIsDomainPrepped[22:29:57] Checking whether the domain "/dc=local/dc=*domain*" is DomainPrepped[22:29:57] Looking for server groups[22:29:57] Entering ScGetExchangeServerGroups[22:29:57] Getting DOB for group 0[22:29:57] Getting string GUID for group 0[22:29:57] Getting string SID for group 0[22:29:57] Getting DOB for group 1[22:29:57] Getting string GUID for group 1[22:29:57] Getting string SID for group 1[22:29:57] Leaving ScGetExchangeServerGroups[22:29:57] Server groups found[22:29:57] Looking for domain proxy container[22:29:57] Domain proxy container found -- checking DomainPrep version[22:29:57] Installed DomainPrep version is 6936; current version is 6936[22:29:57] This domain is DomainPrepped[22:29:57] Leaving ScIsDomainPrepped[22:30:06] This component is set to ignore[22:30:06] We always ask to show the page for this component in this mode - but Cartman should ignore it[22:30:06] This component is set to ignore[22:30:06] We always ask to show the page for this component in this mode - but Cartman should ignore it[22:30:07] Entering CFileManager::ScSetInstallDestDir(sz)[22:30:07] Leaving CFileManager::ScSetInstallDestDir(sz)[22:30:25] Entering CCompForestPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode[22:30:25] Leaving CCompForestPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode[22:30:25] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwMajorVersion = 5[22:30:25] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwMinorVersion = 2[22:30:25] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwBuildNumber = 3790[22:30:25] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.dwPlatformId = 2[22:30:25] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.szCSDVersion = 'Service Pack 1'[22:30:25] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wServicePackMajor = 1[22:30:25] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wServicePackMinor = 0[22:30:25] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wSuiteMask = 0X0110[22:30:25] ScVerifyOSVersionInfo: osvi.wProductType = 2[22:30:25] Entering ScDetermineIfLocalDomainServerGroupHasAlreadyBeenACLedOnExchangeCT[22:30:25] Checking to see whether "*domain*\Exchange Domain Servers" has READ permissions on the Microsoft Exchange container[22:30:25] Entering ScTestAceOnObject[22:30:25] Attempting to get DOB for DN "/dc=local/dc=*domain*/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange"[22:30:25] Attempting to read security descriptor from DOB[22:30:25] Attempting to initialize CAce object[22:30:25] Testing to see if given ACE is present[22:30:25] Test succeeded; fACLPresent = TRUE, fExtraRights = FALSE[22:30:25] The ACE tested for is present in the ACL of this object[22:30:25] Leaving ScTestAceOnObject[22:30:25] The Domain Servers group does have READ permissions on the Exchange container[22:30:26] Checking to see whether ANONYMOUS LOGON has READ permissions for MDB objects on the organization[22:30:26] Entering ScTestAceOnObject[22:30:26] Attempting to get DOB for DN "/dc=local/dc=*domain*/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=*companyname*"[22:30:26] Attempting to read security descriptor from DOB[22:30:26] Attempting to initialize CAce object[22:30:26] Testing to see if given ACE is present[22:30:26] Test succeeded; fACLPresent = TRUE, fExtraRights = FALSE[22:30:26] The ACE tested for is present in the ACL of this object[22:30:26] Leaving ScTestAceOnObject[22:30:26] ANONYMOUS LOGON does have READ permissions for MDB objects on the organization[22:30:26] Checking to see whether the Exchange Domain Servers group has been DENIED Receive-As permissions on the Servers container(s)[22:30:26] Checking the ACL on the Servers container in the admin group "*cityname*"[22:30:26] Entering ScTestAceOnObject[22:30:26] Attempting to get DOB for DN "/dc=local/dc=*domain*/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=*CompanyName*/cn=Administrative Groups/cn=*city*/cn=Servers"[22:30:26] Attempting to read security descriptor from DOB[22:30:26] Attempting to initialize CAce object[22:30:26] Testing to see if given ACE is present[22:30:26] Test succeeded; fACLPresent = TRUE, fExtraRights = FALSE[22:30:26] The ACE tested for is present in the ACL of this object[22:30:26] Leaving ScTestAceOnObject[22:30:26] The Exchange Domain Servers group has been DENIED Receive-As permissions on the Servers container(s)[22:30:26] The required permissions have already been set[22:30:26] Leaving ScDetermineIfLocalDomainServerGroupHasAlreadyBeenACLedOnExchangeCT[22:30:26] Entering ScGetExchangeServerGroups[22:30:26] Getting DOB for group 0[22:30:26] Getting string GUID for group 0[22:30:26] Getting string SID for group 0[22:30:26] Getting DOB for group 1[22:30:26] Getting string GUID for group 1[22:30:26] Getting string SID for group 1[22:30:26] Leaving ScGetExchangeServerGroups[22:30:27] Entering ScConstructAddressListServiceDNAndCN[22:30:27] Leaving ScConstructAddressListServiceDNAndCN[22:30:27] Entering CCompDomainPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode[22:30:27] Leaving CCompDomainPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode[22:30:27] Entering ScDetermineIfLocalDomainServerGroupHasAlreadyBeenACLedOnExchangeCT[22:30:27] Using cached result for domain "/dc=local/dc=*domain*"[22:30:27] The required permissions have already been set[22:30:27] Leaving ScDetermineIfLocalDomainServerGroupHasAlreadyBeenACLedOnExchangeCT[22:30:27] Attempting to create the SRS DOB [checking whether SRS is installed].[22:30:27] Entering ScFindRoutingGroupThatContainsServer[22:30:27] Leaving ScFindRoutingGroupThatContainsServer[22:30:27] Entering ScPRQ_DoesNotContainLastMAPIMDBInMixedModeAG[22:30:27] This prerequisite has PASSED -- ID:62235 --[22:30:27] Leaving ScPRQ_DoesNotContainLastMAPIMDBInMixedModeAG[22:30:27] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:30:27] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:30:27] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:30:27] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:30:27] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:30:27] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Connector for Novell GroupWise failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:30:27] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:30:27] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Calendar Connector failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:30:27] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:30:27] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange System Management Tools failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:30:27] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:30:27] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:30:27] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:30:27] The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:52:58] Entering CCompForestPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode[22:52:58] Leaving CCompForestPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode[22:52:58] Entering ScDetermineIfLocalDomainServerGroupHasAlreadyBeenACLedOnExchangeCT[22:52:58] Using cached result for domain "/dc=local/dc=*domain*"[22:52:58] The required permissions have already been set[22:52:58] Leaving ScDetermineIfLocalDomainServerGroupHasAlreadyBeenACLedOnExchangeCT[22:52:58] Entering CCompDomainPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode[22:52:58] Leaving CCompDomainPrep::ScGetEffectiveMode[22:52:58] Entering ScDetermineIfLocalDomainServerGroupHasAlreadyBeenACLedOnExchangeCT[22:52:58] Using cached result for domain "/dc=local/dc=*domain*"[22:52:58] The required permissions have already been set[22:52:58] Leaving ScDetermineIfLocalDomainServerGroupHasAlreadyBeenACLedOnExchangeCT[22:52:58] Attempting to create the SRS DOB [checking whether SRS is installed].[22:52:58] Entering ScPRQ_DoesNotContainLastMAPIMDBInMixedModeAG[22:52:58] This prerequisite has PASSED -- ID:62235 --[22:52:58] Leaving ScPRQ_DoesNotContainLastMAPIMDBInMixedModeAG[22:52:58] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:52:58] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:52:58] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:52:58] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus Notes failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:52:58] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:52:58] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Connector for Novell GroupWise failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:52:58] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:52:58] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Calendar Connector failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:52:58] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:52:58] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange System Management Tools failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:52:58] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:52:58] Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Administrator failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:52:58] - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server. -- ID:64292 --[22:52:58] The component "Microsoft Exchange Messaging and Collaboration Services" cannot be assigned the action "Remove" because: - One or more users currently use a mailbox store on this server. These users must be moved to a mailbox store on a different server or be mail disabled before uninstalling this server.
[22:53:03] CComBOIFacesFactory::QueryInterface (f:\titanium\admin\src\udog\bo\bofactory.cxx:54) Error code 0X80004002 (16386): No interface.
January 29th, 2007 10:38am
It's the same for me. I did a transition from one E2K3 to another within the same organisation. Now the first MX is ready for removal. But I receive the exact same error.What am I supposed to do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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May 19th, 2009 12:32pm