Hi All,
I need to remove Project365 from a number of machines.
This is my xml:
<Product ID="ProjectProRetail" />
<Language ID="en-us" />
<Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
<Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE" />
<Logging Name="Project365SetupUninstall.log" Path="C:\Temp" />
This runs, albeit, forcing apps to close.
The log file shows a 0:
Timestamp Process TID Area Category EventID Level Message Correlation
06/10/2015 09:44:18.725 SETUP (0x3620) 0x1d30 Click-To-Run amaxp Medium BaseConfigure::TryGetConfiguration: EULA's have been accepted.
06/10/2015 09:44:18.727 SETUP (0x3620) 0x1d30 Click-To-Run aoh84 Medium AdminConfigure::HandleStateAction: Configuring an uninstall scenario.
06/10/2015 09:44:18.728 SETUP (0x3620) 0x1d30 Click-To-Run aqxhv Medium TryConfigureClient::HandleStateAction: Platform to be removed: x86
06/10/2015 09:44:18.728 SETUP (0x3620) 0x1d30 Click-To-Run aplk9 Medium TryConfigureClient::HandleStateAction: removing:
06/10/2015 09:44:18.728 SETUP (0x3620) 0x1d30 Click-To-Run aoh9t Medium TryLaunchClient::HandleStateAction: Launching OfficeClickToRun.exe with parameters: scenario=install acceptalleulas="True" cdnbaseurl="http://officecdn.microsoft.com/pr/39168D7E-077B-48E7-872C-B232C3E72675" productreleaseid="none" displaylevel="False" culture="en-us" baseurl="http://officecdn.microsoft.com/pr/39168D7E-077B-48E7-872C-B232C3E72675" lcid="1033" platform="x86" updatesenabled="True" forceappshutdown="TRUE" version="15.0.4711.1003" productstoremove="ProjectProRetail_x-none"
06/10/2015 09:45:58.140 SETUP (0x3620) 0x1d30 Click-To-Run aoh72 Medium ExitBootStateMachine::HandleStateAction: Bootstrapper workflow exiting with result: 0x0
06/10/2015 09:45:58.140 SETUP (0x3620) 0x1d30 Click-To-Run aoh9z Medium AdminBootstrapper::Main: Installation came back with 0.
06/10/2015 09:45:58.140 SETUP (0x3620) 0x1d30 Logging Liblet aqc99 Medium Logging liblet uninitializing.
But Project 365 is still installed!?!?