Hi , we are completing a migration from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013. All was going swimmingly until we migrated our legacy public folders. Now every now and again ( once a day generally ) the Exchange Database hosting the Public Folder Mailbox crashes and fails over to another DAG member.
We are using CU5 and our old 2007 server is offline but not removed from the organization yet.
The error message is as follows :
Event ID 1013
The mailbox with mailboxguid "xxxxxxxxxxxx" caused crash or resource outage on database (GUID="xxxxxxxxxxx")
along with :
Event ID 1001
Microsoft Exchange Server Information Store has encountered an internal logic error. Internal error text is (Unable to apply maintenance GetNonKeyColumnValuesForPrimaryKey-norow, index corruption?) with a call stack of ( at Microsoft.Exchange.Server.Storage.Common.ErrorHelper.AssertRetail(Boolean assertCondition, String message)
and :
Event ID 1002
Unhandled exception (Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExAssertException: ASSERT: Unable to apply maintenance GetNonKeyColumnValuesForPrimaryKey-norow, index corruption?
The Mailbox Guild matches the Public Folder Mailbox GUID and the Database GUID matches the Database where the mailbox is mounted.
The error seems to be the same as this question :
However I'm after a bit more concrete information as to what actually causes this and if an upgrade to CU6 is required. This link appears to suggest moving the mailbox will help. Has anyone else come across this with CU5 and will a mailbox move
correct it ?