Public Folder Management Console - Not showing Folders
I have a problem with the Public Folder Management Console. When I open it up and connect to a server I dont get a list of the folders that are on my server.
At one point this worked as I had to add the replica's after a fail-over/fail-back.
Is there some needle in the haystack of exchange that enables us to view the folders in that console?
I am in the appropriate admins groups.
Desperate - as I need to make some changes and cant figure out how to just open the dang thing....
August 4th, 2008 6:56pm
are you able to list your public folders in powershell?
get-publicfolder -recurse
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August 5th, 2008 12:40am
Actuall, no. When I type that exact command I get an error.
[PS] X:\>get-publicfolder -recurseGet-PublicFolder : There is no existing PublicFolder that matches the followingIdentity: '\'. Please make sure that you specified the correct PublicFolder Identity and that you have the necessary permissions to view PublicFolder.At line:1 char:17+ get-publicfolder <<<< -recurse[PS] X:\>
August 5th, 2008 7:26pm
running the command on the mailbox server with the PF database? Is the database mounted?
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August 5th, 2008 7:39pm
Yes, it is mounted and working (from an outlook perspective)
August 5th, 2008 7:50pm
if i do: get-publicfolderstatistics, then it shows a list of the folders..
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August 5th, 2008 8:00pm
were they moved from 03; if so when you decom'd 03 did you move the PF tree under the 07 admin group using ESM?
August 5th, 2008 8:04pm
also, can you expand on
At one point this worked as I had to add the replica's after a fail-over/fail-back
what cluster model? how/where did you re-add replicas.
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August 5th, 2008 8:05pm
Yes, they were originally from 03. Im not sure how they were moved as we had a consultant do the move. I do know there were a lot of issues when it came to moving the PFs.
August 5th, 2008 8:52pm
We use DoubleTake as our fail-over software. When we failed back, the replica information didnt make it back. Its known issue with Doubletake. (of course, they didnt warn us about it prior...but...) So, I had to go in and add the local server as the replica server for all the pf's. That was the only and last time I was able to see the PF's thru the console. Weirdly enough, I wasnt able to see them before that issue, but when I was on the support call with doubletake, they came up. Since them, I havent been able to see them in the console.
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August 5th, 2008 8:55pm
If its a known doubletake issue i'd take it up with them; also why not ditch them for CCR+SCR?
August 5th, 2008 8:57pm
The issue isnt the replica's.
The issue is: I have had, since the original install of exchange, problems seeing the PF's withing the Public Folder Management Console.
I will look int the ccr+scr. I have read some on it. Works well?
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August 5th, 2008 9:00pm
Clarify: Default Public Folders folder is empty in the Public Folder Management Tool, right?
Collect info:
1. Do Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007 co-exist in your environment?
2. Does the symptom only happen occasionally or always?
3. From an outlook perspective, users can access public folders normally, right?
4. Is there any event log in application log? Please try to reproduce the symptom and check event viewer
5. Use Get-Publicfolderstatistics, you can get System public folders list, right? Hows the System Public Folders folder in the Public Folder Management Tool, also empty?
1. Try to create a new public folder, see if you get any error
New-PublicFolder -Name mstest -Path \ -Server FQDN
2. Use Get-PublicFolderAdministrativePermission Get-PublicFolderClientPermission on all level to confirm if necessary permissions were all set
3. Try to use PFDAVAdmin tool to check public folders and check DACL
4. Try to use ADSIEditor to check MsExchVersion attribute
a. Start->Run->adsieditor.msc
b. Expand Configuration->CN= Configuration,DC=DomainName,DC=Com->CN=Services->CN=Microsoft Exchange->CN=OrgName->CN=Global Settings->right-click CN=Resource Schema in right pane
c. Find MsExchVersion attribute and check if the value is 4535486012416
Notes: this value is default for xchange Server 2007 SP1
5. Try to use Ldifde to verify public folder for missing attributes
ldifde -d "CN=configuration,DC=DomainName,DC=com" -r "(objectclass=msexchpublicmdb)" -f c:\publicstore.txt
PFDAVAdmin Guide [Part 1, Part 2]
August 6th, 2008 9:22am
James Luo - MSFT wrote:
Clarify: Default Public Folders folder is empty in the Public Folder Management Tool, right?
Collect info:
1. Do Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007 co-exist in your environment? - No, they do not.
2. Does the symptom only happen occasionally or always? - Always.
3. From an outlook perspective, users can access public folders normally, right? - Yes they can access from Outlook.
4. Is there any event log in application log? Please try to reproduce the symptom and check event viewer. - No logs related to PF's. Easy to reproduce (just open PFMC - nothing is there, even after connecting to server.)
5. Use Get-Publicfolderstatistics, you can get System public folders list, right? Hows the System Public Folders folder in the Public Folder Management Tool, also empty? - When I run that command, I get a complete list of the public folders. I believe the system folders are there also. When in the Management console, I do not see the system folders either. I do see the followingWARNING in the App log. The warning does not happen when you try to open the PFMC. It is occurning very regularly throughout the day. (EVENT ID's 2159,2161, 2157, source: MSExchange ADAccess - all day long)
Process w3wp.exe (AutoDisc) (PID=7088). Configuration object CN=PublicF Database,CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,CN=PCI-EXCH07-2,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=PCI-Production,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=plote,DC=com read from failed validation. Partially valid object will be returned. Set event logging level for Validation category to Maximum to get additional events about each failure.
1. Try to create a new public folder, see if you get any error
New-PublicFolder -Name mstest -Path \ -Server FQDN
2. Use Get-PublicFolderAdministrativePermission Get-PublicFolderClientPermission on all level to confirm if necessary permissions were all set
3. Try to use PFDAVAdmin tool to check public folders and check DACL
4. Try to use ADSIEditor to check MsExchVersion attribute
a. Start->Run->adsieditor.msc
b. Expand Configuration->CN= Configuration,DC=DomainName,DC=Com->CN=Services->CN=Microsoft Exchange->CN=OrgName->CN=Global Settings->right-click CN=Resource Schema in right pane
c. Find MsExchVersion attribute and check if the value is 4535486012416
Notes: this value is default for xchange Server 2007 SP1
5. Try to use Ldifde to verify public folder for missing attributes
ldifde -d "CN=configuration,DC=DomainName,DC=com" -r "(objectclass=msexchpublicmdb)" -f c:\publicstore.txt
PFDAVAdmin Guide [Part 1, Part 2]
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August 6th, 2008 2:44pm
OK - I have an update.
In my troubleshooting I went to Update the Public Folder Hierarchy and recieved the following error:
--------------------------------------------------------Microsoft Exchange Error--------------------------------------------------------Action 'Update Hierarchy' could not be performed on object 'Update Hierarchy'.
Update HierarchyFailedError:Cannot start hierarchy replication on public folder database 'SERVER\First Storage Group\PublicF Database'.
MapiExceptionNoReplicaAvailable: StartHierachyReplication failed. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1129)Diagnostic context: Lid: 1494 ---- Remote Context Beg ---- Lid: 31229 Error: 0x0 Lid: 9206 StoreEc: 0xFFFFF9BF Lid: 19865 StoreEc: 0x469 Lid: 27225 StoreEc: 0x469 Lid: 1750 ---- Remote Context End ---- Lid: 26322 StoreEc: 0x469
August 6th, 2008 5:26pm
Which server role did you see these event logs?
Please set Validation to the desired level on the issued server role
1. Set-EventLogLevel Id MSExchange ADAccess\Validation Level High
2. After set, reproduce the issue and post the event that generated after above process. Or send to me []
Notes: First idea for those events are being generated is because you still have some Exchange 2007 servers running an older build
As for your 'Update Hierarchy' error, please check the following parts:
1. Still use PFDAVAdmin to connect to issued server and check if the replica sets properly:
a. Run PFDAVAdmin and connect to issued public folder
b. Choose public folder, go to replica tab in the right pane, and check if the replica list is set properly
2. Go to ADSIEditor, check msExchOwningPFTreeBL attribute
a. Run ADSIEditor->expand Configuration->CN= Configuration,DC=DomainName,DC=Com->CN=Services->CN=Microsoft Exchange->CN=OrgName->CN=Exchange Administrative Group (xxx)->CN=Folder Hierarchies
b. In the right pane, check msExchOwningPFTreeBL attributes under Public Folder
It shall match with DN of Public Folders under Folder Hierarchies
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August 7th, 2008 6:23am
msExchOwningPFTreeBL attribute had nothing in it before lunch. After returning from lunch that field was filled in (i did nothing) and now the public folders are appearing in the Management console.
What would cause that (msExchOwningPFTreeBL) data to go missing? Any ideas?
Thanks for all the help so far.
August 7th, 2008 8:59pm
msExchOwningPFTreeBL specifies the DNs of all stores that make up the folder hierarchy
One of the causes for this error is that Administrative Group thatkeep the Public Folders container was deleted without the Public Folders container first being moved to a new Administrative Group
So please make sure that value of msExchOwningPFTreeBL attribute always point to the your Public Stores
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August 8th, 2008 5:14am
Hello - this issue has come back.
Same symptoms - When I open Public Folder Management console - there is nothing there. Yet, public folders are working.
When I open ADSI Edit and to to -configuration-services-microsoft exchange-prduction-administrative groups-Exchange Administrative Group-Folder HIerarchies- the 'msExchOwningPFTreeBL' has a blank value.
When i try to put a value in there I get an error: "The attribute cannot be modified because it is owned by the system"
Any ideas??
Also - Under Administrative groups, should there be two administrative groups?
October 16th, 2008 9:29pm
I know this post is old but i think i have found a solution to this problem, My PVDAVADMIN stoppped working on exchange at some point and PFMC stopped about the same time. I then did some serious testing and found that .net1.1 was removed from the exchange server. After testing this in a secure inviroment i found that .net1.1 was the cause of the problem. I now need to find a way to reinstall .net1.1 without messing up the exchange server. PFDAVADMIN also works fine now on my test inviroment.
Workaround for me was to install the exchange console on a pc with .net1.1 on it. This allowed me to both view and make changes in PFMC
Hope this helps anyone on the future.
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August 4th, 2009 2:12pm
My resolve was this....there were multiple MAPI paths defined for public folder hierarchy - one for 2003 and one for 2007. I changed the 2003 to 0 and left the 2007 at 1.
In ADSIEdit there were two Administrative groups in (Configuration - Services - MS Exchange).
Configuration [<domainController>] CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com CN=Services CN=Microsoft Exchange CN=<OrganizationName> CN=Administrative Groups CN=<AdministrativeGroupName> CN=Folder Hierarchies
In the details pane, right-click CN=<PublicFoldersTree>, and then click
On the Attribute Editor tab, click msExchPFTreeType, and then click
Here is the MS article.
April 12th, 2011 11:56am