I would like remove user default public folder mailbox.
I do not see the settings at DB but rather user mailbox settings.
Can I remove according DB?
Technology Tips and News
I would like remove user default public folder mailbox.
I do not see the settings at DB but rather user mailbox settings.
Can I remove according DB?
You can bind default public folder mailbox database at mailbox level.
set-mailbox -identity "user" -DefaultPublicFolderMailbox "Pubic folder mailbox"
Vickram M
I need some DB users without default public folder mailbox also.
I don't seems I got an option for this.
Please try the following command to set DefualtPublicFolderMailbox for all mailboxes in a specific database :
Get-Mailbox -Database "DB01" | Set-Mailbox -DefaultPublicFolderMailbox "Public Folder Mailbox"
By default, the public folder mailbox used by a user is automatically selected by an algorithm that load-balances users across all public folder mailboxes.