Public folder rights and OWA
Hi all,
I'm not sure if this is the right location to ask this question. We've just rolled out Exchange2003 in our organisation. That went surprisingly well. I've been asked to provide a resource booking facility, and it has been decided that calendars in public folders is the way to go.
I've set up some dummy ones and set the client permissions as followed:
Default - author
Anonymous - contributor
my admin account is set as the owner because I created the folder.
Testing this with a test account (no admin rights) through Outlook works fine. I can only modify those appointments created with the test account, and am able to view other appointments, but not make any changes or delete.
Testing the same through OWA gives a different picture:
Modifying items created by someone else - not possible (good)
Creating items - works fine (good)
modifying own items - works fine (good)
Delete items created by others - is possible (really bad)
What is happening here? Why is this so? I've tried to do some searches but cannot find any real information on this behavour. Is the authentication from a user account accessing public folders through OWA different?
Any feedback would be highly appreciated.
December 21st, 2006 2:23am