Public folders export to PST

Simple question.

How do I export Public folders into PST from Exchange 2010? I'm not sure if they are mail-enabled or not. How do I find out?

I have little or zero experience in public folders.
We want to open up the public folders PST files and move then to separate Shared mailboxes instead on Exchange 2013.

September 9th, 2015 4:56am

Hi ,

 As per my knowledge there is no command available in exchange 2010 to export a mail enabled public folder to a PST file .

My suggestion would be to export mail enabled public folders emails to a PST file by using outlook .

Please use the below mentioned command or exchange management console to get all the mail enabled public folders in exchange 2010.

Get-MailPublicFolder | fl Name,EmailAddresses

Please reply me if you have any queries.

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September 9th, 2015 5:12am

Take a look at Reliefjet Essentials for Outlook if you don't want to do it manually. It provides a command line interface for Outlook.

September 9th, 2015 9:03am

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