Publishing Calendars 2013

We are currently running Ex2010 and have about 130 calendars that are published to the world. In the process of migrating to 2013, I am testing the migration of these calendars to the 2013 environment in a testlab. I am trying to follow the steps here:

However, I can't get past step 1... Grr.

Step 1: Set-ExchangeServer -Identity "MAIL01" -InternetWebProxy "<Webproxy URL>"

What am I supposed to enter for the -InternetWebProxy value? Is this my cas external url?

I might as well ask about Step 2 as well.

Step 2: Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "CAS01" -ExternalUrl "<URL for CAS01>" -CalendarEnabled $true

I would assume the externalurl is just that, the external facing url for owa.? Maybe not... Thanks in Advance.

July 8th, 2013 10:26am

I was able to just complete Step 3 and I was able to share the migrated calendar.
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July 8th, 2013 10:56am


The -internetwebproxy is the reverse proxy URL from the Internet, As in your TMG Server.

The Enternal URL in step is 2 is exactly what you think, the enternal URL for OWA for your company.


July 8th, 2013 10:57am

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