Query all users email delivery and receive restrictions
Hello guys.
I need some help, I've been trying to find a query to List all users with their respective email and their restrictions, by restrictions i mean:
Sending message size, receiving message size and max number of recipients.
We have exchange 2003, does anybody know how to make a query with this requirements? Another issue we have is that some people have more than one email adress so i dont know if i can restrict the search to one domain?
Thanks for your help, have a nice day.
April 28th, 2011 5:44pm
do a csvde dump and
sendmessagesize attribute is submissioncontlength
recivingmessagesize is delivcontlength
mxEchRecipLimit is max no of recipients
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April 28th, 2011 6:05pm
Thanks, i actually made it with this query:
dsquery * "DC=GT, DC=DIPCMI, DC =CORP" -scope subtree -filter "(&(mail=*)(proxyaddresses=smtp:*))" -attr proxyaddresses submissionContLength delivContLength -limit 2500 >> E:\email_restrictions.txt
I have to tune it a little because it gaves me a lot of data, but at least im one step forward.
Thanks, have a nice day
April 28th, 2011 6:17pm
do a csvde dump and
sendmessagesize attribute is submissioncontlength
recivingmessagesize is delivcontlength
mxEchRecipLimit is max no of recipients
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April 29th, 2011 12:58am