Question about creating distribution groups though Exchange PS
Recently we had a problems with mail being sent to an already created dynamic distribution list that was working.
Using message tracking we found that the DL was not being expanded.
Upon further research, I found this article, that states problem could be Recipient Container-
"Apparently, when creating the DynamicDistributionList, I forgot to add the RecipientContainer. This container indicates the scope of where the filter must be applied to. If you don’t specify anything, it’s not going to assume that you want
to filter on the entire domain, it will just assume that it needs to apply to the OrganizationalUnit where you want to save the Distribution List"
We recreated the Dynamic DL & it is now working again.
My question is did we need to specify the Recipient Container in our PS cmd? Because we used example provided in a technet article which does not include RecipientContainer:
And if this is the case, then how did original DL work? The Senior Exchange Admin in our company did test successfully when he created.
June 7th, 2011 10:51am
On Tue, 7 Jun 2011 14:45:05 +0000, LMANALO wrote:
>Recently we had a problems with mail being sent to an already created dynamic distribution list that was working. Using message tracking we found that the DL was not being expanded. Upon further research, I found this article, that states problem could
be Recipient Container- "Apparently, when creating the DynamicDistributionList, I forgot to add the RecipientContainer. This container
indicates the scope of where the filter must be applied to. If you don?t specify anything, it?s not going to assume that you want to filter on the entire domain, it will just assume that it needs to apply to the OrganizationalUnit where you want to save the
Distribution List" We recreated the Dynamic DL & it is now working again. My question is did we need to specify the Recipient Container in our PS cmd? Because we used example provided in a technet article which does not
>include RecipientContainer: And if this is the case, then how did original DL work? The Senior Exchange Admin in our company did test successfully when he created.
I can't answer the "how did it work before" or "why did it work" or
"why did it stop working". I can answer the "should we specify the
"-RecipientContainer" question, though. The answer is "yes".
Rich Matheisen
MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
--- Rich Matheisen MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
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June 7th, 2011 9:55pm
The RecipientContainer parameter filters the recipients that are used to build the dynamic distribution group based on their
location in Active Directory. The value of RecipientContainer can be the canonical name of an organizational unit (OU) or a domain. If you do not specify a value for
RecipientContainer, the default search filter is the location of the dynamic distribution group in Active Directory. This location is specified by using the OrganizationalUnit parameter.
If you only want to search for an OU or a domain, you can specify the Recipient Container in your PS cmd.
You can know more information from this document:
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June 9th, 2011 5:57am