Question about removing Exchange2003 servers from Exchange 2007 environment
Hello,One of our customers has migrated from Notes/Exchange 2003 to a new Exchange 2007 environment. For the migration they installed two Exchange2003 servers in the Exchange2007 environment. Now, a year after the migration, they want for us to uninstall both Exchange2003 servers. Both servers have had they're Exchange and SMTP server services disabled since february this year. There are no mailboxes left (except the system mailboxes) on both serversI've found this article on how to remove the Exchange servers: i'm questioning myself: both exchange 2003 servers have been inactive for 10 months. Do i still have to transfer the replicas of the Public Folders from the E2k3 servers to E2k7 servers. Or do i only have to uninstall Exchange2003 from both servers.Does anyone has some suggestions for me.
December 11th, 2009 1:08pm
As you stated that the Exchange Services have already been disabled long back and Messaging services are active without these servers, SO i don't think there is any issue Uninstalling Exchange 2003 from these servers. Exchange 2007 is already running on its own (with legacy Server's services down) SO you can start from 4th Bullet in the Procedure in the article you have given. Thanks.
Vishal Ramnani MCITP - Exchange 2007, MCSE Messaging, MCTS - Win 2008 Config
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December 11th, 2009 2:11pm
Hi,To make the relevant System folders and OAB replicated to Exchange 2007which canmake legacy Outlook working on the OAB and Free/Busy aspects.You can verify whether the legacy Outlook is working without any issue when downloading OAB under the Exchange server is inactive.If so, you can remove the Exchange server in safe.ThanksAllen
December 14th, 2009 11:28am