I've set up an Exchange 2013 test infrastructure with two CAS front-end and two MBx back-end DAG servers. The MBx servers are on dedicated hardware. I've created mailboxes on both sides. To do some simple tests, I sent a message to myself that had 3 attachments that equaled about 5MB total. I then kept forwarding that message to myself to add some content in the mailbox. I wouldn't receive all of the messages but all of the sent messages are in the Sent Items folder.
My Sent Items folder has like 25 messages addressed to myself. My Inbox only has about 5 messages in it.
I did a similar test sending to a mailbox on the other server. I forwarded the same message 4 times but changed the subject line to '01,'02','03','04'. The target mailbox received messages 01 and 04 but not the others. The sent items show all four messages.
As an update, I just received all of the messages in both mailboxes about 10-15 minutes later. I guess my question is if there is normally this type of throttling being applied. I don't recall this being an issue in previous versions.