Questions Before New Install Of Exchange 2007
We are about to install Exchange 2007 on our company server, and I have a few questions that I have not been able to find concrete answers on. Any help is greatly appreciated.
First - We have approximately 25 computers on our network. All are running Windows XP Pro w/SP2, but not everyone has the same version of Office. It ranges from 2000 to 2003. Will all computers using Exchange 2007 need to have Outlook 2003 installed? If they do not, will it render Exchange unusable by them?
Second - I understand the minimum system requirements for the server, but what about the workstations? Is there a minimum amount of RAM, or processor speed/type that is needed?
Third - We have a VPN setup for consultants to access shared parts of our server, will they be able to use Exchange remotely? And I assume the minimum system requirements will apply to them as well?
Thanks for any advice or ideas.
August 24th, 2006 9:53pm
Well since Exch 2007 is in beta, I trust this is in a lab and not production. Sure doesn't sound like it.
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August 24th, 2006 10:21pm
Ok let me see if I can answer your questions.
First - Outlook 2000 & 2003 will work with Exchange 2007, however you will not get all the extra benefits of running outlook 2007 against Exchange 2007 and there are many however you will be able to use them perfectly fine.
Second - This does not come into it from Exchange point of view, you run outlook now so unless you are upgrading to Office 2007 you don't need to change a thing
Third - users of the exchange system can access their email, either via the Web if published (OWA) or outlook if published (RPC/HTTPS) without VPN :) if you use VPN they can access their email in the same way you would sat at a desk.
Hope this Helps
August 28th, 2006 6:06pm
Thank you very much for your very clear answer. It's like pulling teeth to get a straight answer, so your's is very appreciated! Thanks again!
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August 28th, 2006 6:44pm
Not a problem, I know what you mean, it is nice to be able to give back these days.
good luck and stick with it, it is worth it :)
August 28th, 2006 6:48pm
You realize the risks you are taking installing a beta server in to a production environment?
You are unsupported and I believe in violation of the EULA.
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August 28th, 2006 7:59pm
We are in the TAP program so not in violation, but still you have a valid point
August 28th, 2006 11:13pm
I was researching what we needed for Exchange 2007. We are still months away from buying/installing. Thanks, though, I didn't need that molar anyway.
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August 29th, 2006 1:47am
I think you will get better responses if you set the table accordingly. Stating that "We are about to install Exchange 2007 on our company server" isn't the same as saying you are researching what you need to purchase it in the future when its released to the public. Often, people are hesitant to give advice if they think you are about to shoot yourself in the foot.
You'll also find going forward, that some of your questions have no answer or havent been tested by enough people to give you a decent response. We are exploring a new product just like you.
August 29th, 2006 3:58am