dear Mr/Mrs,
Since English is not my mother language, I cannot write sentences as fluently as other guys do. So I am going to try to explain my questions as clear as i could. Sorry to trouble you. Thank you very much.I am working on the project of SampleHardwareEventCredentialProvider to perform an autologon with my own device of fingervein authentication. When I click the button "Press to connect", the screen shows a loginpanel with 5 UI elements including submit button. The authentication only start when I click the submit button. If I specify a default credential and set pbAutoLogonWithDefault to true in response to GetCredentialCount() or set pbAutoLogon to true in response to SetSelected(), the screen will not show the loginpanel.
What I want to do is to show the loginpanel with the UI elements I need when I click "Press to connect". And I do not need to click the submit button to start my authentication. The authentication will start immediately when the loginpanel shows.
Is is possible?
Thank you very much.