Quick question about Distribution Groups Exchange 2007
I have a quick question about dyanmic distribution groups in Exchange 2007 (new to the concept) It is my understanding that a dynamic distribution group would work in the fashion that if someone sent an e-mail to sales@company.com everyone in the AD that is a member of 'Sales Department' would receive the e-mail message (assuming the dist group is setup to send mail to all members of that dept).
a) Is my understanding correct ?
b) Does the e-mail have a shared entity in that if X user replied/read the e-mail it would show as being read/replied to in all user mailboxes ?
c) Assuming B is how things work, if clients are using Outlook 2007 would the e-mail state who replied to the e-mail message?
December 7th, 2007 10:33am
A. yes, if you've defined the group correctly
B. No, X user would have to reply all. The message is split up an delivered individually to each user in the group (or at least a pointer to that message if the users are in the same SG)
C. No; again once an email is delivered to a group its treated as a normal email within outlook, other than the breadth of the 'reply all' function
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December 7th, 2007 8:03pm
Hrm, Okay ...
well basically what I'm looking to do if possible is to have something like the following
Inbox (users personal mail folder)
-Sales Questions (public mail folder, accessable/visible to all users in Sales Team) all e-mail going to sales@company.com would end up here. (shown as a sub-folder to inbox)
-Accounting (public mail folder, accesable/visible to all users in Accounting Dep) all e-mail going to accounting@company.com would go here. (shown as a sub-folder to inbox)
-Dealer Mail (public mail folder, accessable/visible to all users in the Sales Management) all e-mail going to dealermail@company.com would go here. (shown as a sub-folder to inbox)
etc. ... (you get the idea)
Is something like this possible ?, if so what Exchange feature sets should I be looking into to configure this ?
December 8th, 2007 4:31am
I would use public folders for that. Its up to you whether or not to maintain per user read info, and if someone flags/colors it, its seen by everyone. Your users will have to be taught how to use public folders though.
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December 8th, 2007 5:27am