Quotas for MS Exchange 2003 Recommendations
Hello All,Can someone please tell me if there is any difference in performance or better practice than other methods to use mailbox quotas versus quotas set globally to everyone?Any information would be much appreciated.Thanks
March 9th, 2010 8:11pm
“You can also set quotas for individual mailboxes. This is not recommended as a general practice, because it is easy to lose track of which mailboxes have been modified and how your maximum database size has been affected”
-----------<Step-by-Step Guide to Increasing the Exchange 2003 Private Mail Store Size on Windows Small Business Server 2003>James Luo TechNet Subscriber Support (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/ms788697.aspx) If you have any feedback on our support, please contact tngfb@microsoft.com
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March 10th, 2010 6:18am