Mr Gates,

Why were so many features removed from Office.  I am taking two different college courses, that deal with MS Office, and both require me to build files, using word and excel.  In word and excel there are many features from 2010 that are no longer available in 2013.  Where are all of the excel themes, that my professor is asking for... I am getting huge deductions on otherwise perfect files, because you cheaped out on us.  I wanted to buy the latest and greatest product, I guess that I should have been the cheap one, and bought the cheaper older product, at least my grades would not be suffering.

What happened to the great support that Microsoft was always known for.  If you wanted to cut the size of the file down, couldn't you at least put the add/on features on the website so that they could be downloaded, even if it were at a fair cost, I would pay for it so I can keep my grades up!!!

Way to go Bill, you are supposed to be a guy that cares about his customer's, right now you look like you really are turning into a profiteering jackass, thinking that we are just going to sit back and continue buying your products, regardless of how cheap you get.  Better watch out, someone will come along that cares about customer loyalty, and they will ensure that the customer always gets an improved product for same price, not a diminished one, for a higher cost...

Maybe I should just buy me a MAC and start using nothing but Apple applications.  I am sure I would get the hang of it within a year or two, not too much of a setback, to go to something that at least has happy customers....

September 29th, 2013 8:57am

"Where are all of the excel themes, that my professor is asking for... "

In Excel 2013, if you want to set the Office 2007/2010 theme color back, please perform the following steps:

1. Choose Office theme from Page Layout Tab > Theme

2. Select Office 2007 - 2010

Everything would show fine and be as the same as the result in previous Office version.

Thanks for your post.

Tony Chen
TechNet Community Support

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October 1st, 2013 4:02am

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