We can just cancelling a meeting in Outlook. It's not possible to recall a meeting invitation like recalling an ordinary email. To cancel a meeting, please refer:
Steve Fan
TechNet Community Support
- Marked as answer by Steve FanMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator Monday, April 07, 2014 3:11 PM
Still can't be done in Office 2013.
Once again, Microsoft fails to provide one of the most basic functions desired of Outlook, and requested by users since at least Office 97. This falls right in with the option to include an FYI on appointments, which still is not available. If a worker wants to inform his boss of an appointment which in no way involves the boss, (except that he needs to know you will be out of office for that, and very good to have easily viewed on his calendar), you have to include him as an optional participant, or a resource, both which are idiotic options. This has been the subject of thousands of posts and requests by users. Do microsoft programmers not have doctor appointments or vacation time? The boss should not have to share his calendar, or manually put these into it from emails.
"We can just cancelling a meeting in Outlook"???
Nice to know that the person who wrote that, is also a moderator, and able to mark his own response as an acceptable answer.
The correct answer is "It will be fixed in a future patch, and we are sorry we failed to include such an obviously needed option".
If an appointment is canceled, or changed multiple times, and the boss happens to be out of office, there is no reason the boss should have to see multiple emails in his inbox, which is what is currently generated doing what is suggested as the solution.