Read Only Access to Shares On SBS 2008
Hi, This is my first of many questions on this forum.
Our company has just opened up a London office and me taking an interest in IT I was given the task to connect London to our office so London could access our SBS Share, so what I did was configured both Drayteks both in Glasgow and London to have a LAN
to LAN VPN which works perfect no problems.
The problem I have is when a London user connects to the Glasgow SBS 2008 Share, they can log onto it fine via IP then username and password all the shares they can access appear but when they go and edit docs it gives out a Read Only Permission error even
though that user has full access to that share.
I went down to London today and got the same problem with my laptop but when I returned back to Glasgow I can access the same files read write but not when I am in London via the VPN, I spoke to Draytek today and they advised it's possible a security problem
on the shares but I dont know what I am looking for.
Please Help!!
June 8th, 2011 11:23am
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June 12th, 2011 11:28pm