Read only Mailbox
Hi all, we have some users with huge mailboxes around 10gb. This users insist they need all his mails available. We are thinking on split his old mails in ammounts of 2gb per mailboxand trying to teach our users to not save or move any data to this mailboxes. Obviously , i dont trusth my users so i was wondering if i can create a read-only mailbox so the user can view his old mails but cannotmovenew data to them, he will store his new mails or write data to hisdefault workingmailbox.Its this possible ? or there is something similar to do ?TeKi
September 29th, 2009 8:17am

It's bit tricky, check out below article... How to: Setup Read Only Mailbox in Exchange 2003/2007 Tank | MVP Exchange Server | MCITP: EMA | MCSA: M |
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September 29th, 2009 8:34am

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