There are a number of reasons why this can occur. For example:
- Not running sysprep /generalize on your image. Note that sysprep /generalize
is required when creating an image. See KB162001 for more information
- Running sysprep with unattend.xml that contains the <SkipRearm> setting set to 1. It is not recommended to create images with this setting
but if you do use it you must set it to 0 or remove it before you reseal the image for the final time
To determine if you are encountering this you can use the Key Management Service Log do the following:
1.On your KMS host open Event Viewer
2. Right click the Key Management Service Log and choose Save all events as
3. Change the Save as type to Text(Tab Delimited)(*.txt)
4. Save the file as KMS.TXT
5. Close out of the Event Viewer completely
6. Open Excel
7. Click File, Open, and browse to KMS.TXT
8. You should see the Text Import Wizard. Choose the following options
Start Import at Row: 8
Delimiters: Comma
9. When complete the data may look all messed up. Dont worry we will correct that
10. Click the upper left of the spreadsheet to select the entire spreadsheet
11. Click Data, Sort, In the Sort By selection choose Column D
12. When complete you should see the data sorted in columns.
For more information, refer to the link below:
Tylor Wang
TechNet Community Support