Recent Crash
Running 1 Exchange 2007 mailbox/hub, (VM)1 2007 CAS (VM), 1 Exchange 2003.The other day a co-worker accidently unplugged the ISCSI cable from a VM Host to the SAN. The VM Host was running the Exchange enviroment. When the mailbox server came back up the Information Store started fine and everyone was able to connect through Outlook, however, there was no mail flow. I tried restarting the Transport service a couple of times, but still no mail flow and nothing showing in any queues.So I rebooted again. Again, the information store mounted fine but no mail flow. After about ten minutes it stated flowing agian. In the logs (after the first reboot), there were informational entries saying that the log files were being replayed. I had never seen that before.Can anyone out there give me an explanation of what was going on and why it took so long for the mail to begin moving again.Thanks
December 2nd, 2009 7:10pm
Hi,You may check message tracking log of any mail message to realize the issues more closelyregards from www.windowsadmin.infoManuPhilip
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December 2nd, 2009 7:23pm