Reforwarding emails sent to specific account
Hi,I havean exchange server (A). and there is an email account configured in it ( At the same time I have 5 departments (each having a Head and secretary). How is it possible to segrigate the emails from this source and Cc to secretaries as well?I mean like following example:any email ONLY coming from to IT Head to forwarded to him and his secretary headany email sent to Finance Head from hr to be sent to Finance Head and his secretary, so onIs it possible and if yes, then how?Any clue is highly appericated,Interface Mirror
July 4th, 2009 8:13am
HI,You can use Exchange 2007 Trtansport rule to achive that goal.Please read below urls.Overview of Transport Rules--------------------------------- to use Transport Rules in Exchange Server 2007------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 Transport Rules---------------------------------------
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July 4th, 2009 9:05am
Chinthaka,many thanks for the prompt reply. The issue is that I don't use Exchange 2007! I work on Exchange 2003. I could not find anything useful for the Exchange 2003 except Pickup events. Can you please let me know if we have any automatic process for the exchange 2003?Interface Mirror
July 5th, 2009 7:27am
HI, Per my knowledge there is no option for you requirement except give one of them to mailbox permission to view particular mailbox.Grant Full Mailbox Rights to an Administrator on Exchange 2000/2003============================================
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July 5th, 2009 12:30pm
HI,Per my knowledge there is no way to do it with Exchange 2003 and that is new feature of Transport rule of exchange 2007.RegardsChinthaka
July 8th, 2009 4:27am