Registry question
Hi, im not sure if this is the right place to ask this but under hkey_current_user software microsoft windows currentversion internet settings zonemap domains there is a list of sites, for example: adawarenow.comad-w-a-r-e.comadwareremover.wsThere are hundreds listed in this part of the registry. What is this a list of?Thanks
June 22nd, 2008 3:24pm

This would explain you Internet Explorer security zones registry entries for advanced users Actually, these all sites are added into security settings of Internet Explorer & at that place, each site folder has a sub folder named www and a key inside www named http. Values of http key are 1-4 and described below. 1= Trusted Sites 2= Intranet Sites 3= Internet Sites 4= Restricted Sites However this forum is for Exchange Server related Admin issues. You can get better help from Windows XP forum.
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June 22nd, 2008 3:56pm

That's great, im just glad it is not a list of nasties my registry is infected with. Thanks for your help
June 22nd, 2008 9:01pm

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