Reinstalling SSL Cert
Exchange 2013 SP1 with 1 DAG and 2 members. We have to add some hosts to our UC certificate. In the past what we did was walk through the complete certificate process in exchange ECP. Can we instead import the new certificate? All that has changed
is we added a SAN.
February 11th, 2015 1:32am
And the SAN that was added is not related to the email server, only our apache server. So I am not sure we even need to install the cert with the added SAN onto the exchange server. Go daddy did not revoke the cert.....
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February 11th, 2015 5:37am
Its recommended to remove the expired certificate then import the new certificate.
Please note when enabling the certificate on service like IIS, you can only bind one certificate on this service.
Thanks,February 26th, 2015 12:27am