recently we tested in PreProd to add a host to the farm and move all WFE and APP services to this new host. URL, hostname and IP changed. We are trying now to relink a Site Mailbox created on a Project Site with the old URL to the new URL same Project Site:
Set-SiteMailbox SM-ProjectSiteTest@subdom.dom.com -SharePointUrl https://newprojectserver.subdom.dom.com/PWA/Project Site Test/ -force
The command runs with no error but the Site Mailbox still not available, the error:
Your site appears to have moved
It appears that your site was moved since you created a site mailbox. Your data is still safe, but you will need to contact your Exchange Server administrator in order to reconnect the site mailbox to this site.
Correlation ID: f407fb9c-03c6-f0bf-d707-b15dd403767c, Error Code 0
Any help would be much appreciated,