Removal of exchange 2007 server
We currently have 4 exchange servers in our organisation, 1 on an old, now decommissioned so we'll call that OLD, server 2003 then ran exchange 2003. 1 on SBS 2003 called SBS, 1 on server 2008 running exchange 2007 called mail1 and 1 on server 2008 running
exchange 2007 which we will call mail2.
So OLD has been used as a mail server for quite some time and is now off the network.
SBS still runs some internal SMTP connectors for legacy applications
mail1 had some stability issues, so we moved the mailboxes to mail2 and dismounted the datastore and turned off exchange services (which resolved the stability issues)
mail2 has had all user mailboxes moved to exchange online, but still runs some SMTP services locally.
What I want to do is tidy this up,
1. I need to remove OLD entirely, which from what I have read I can just simply delete the server entry using ADSIedit, is this correct?
2. Remove mail1 from our exch org cleanly but keep it running as a DC, what is the cleanest way to remove mail1?
The other 2 can stay as they are for the time being.
April 4th, 2012 10:23am
It's always best to do a proper uninstall, if you can. If that's not possible, try this: OWA For Smartphone
email a@t leederbyshire d.0.t c.0.m
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April 4th, 2012 10:41am
Run the uninstall like lee said. You mentioned that the "old server" is decomissioned already? Did you uninstall Exchange or did you just shut it down? Is it orphaned? If it's orphaned than you'll resort to just whacking it via adsiedit.James Chong MCITP | EA | EMA; MCSE | M+, S+ Security+, Project+, ITIL
April 4th, 2012 10:52am
The KB article refers to Exchange 2003, this I can't uninstall as the machine is down and flattened. However, mail1, the Exchange 2007 server is still very much running. So I should be able to run the exchange installer from the disc to uninstall
from this server? Will this have any effect on other roles of this server?
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April 4th, 2012 10:53am
For the 2003 thats just orphaned, just whack it from adsidit. For mail1 just go to add\remove programs and uninstall Exchange. Will it have any effect on other roles, possibly especially if this was the first 2007 server you installed then you need to make
sure you re-home all services. For example make sure this host isn't being used public folders or any send connectors.James Chong MCITP | EA | EMA; MCSE | M+, S+ Security+, Project+, ITIL
April 4th, 2012 11:02am
I haven't seen an equivalent article for E2007, but I think it can still be used as a guide. When you run the installer (also used to remove roles), it'll ask you which roles you want to remove. When you say 'have any effect on other roles
of this server', I assume you mean (non-Exchange) server roles like DNS and/or GC (because it sounds like you are going to completely remove Exchange)? In that case, no it shouldn't affect anything else.Mobile OWA For Smartphone
email a@t leederbyshire d.0.t c.0.m
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April 4th, 2012 11:04am
The old server is off and Exchange was not uninstalled. Can you clarify what you mean by Orphaned?
April 4th, 2012 11:27am
Thanks for the replies. The E2007 i am trying to uninstall is also a DC. It was also the first exchange 2007 server we installed, although this was before I started here so I couldn't be 100% sure. We have another E2007 that is running
the required roles and all services for exchange.
So I should be good to go, thanks again guys.
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April 4th, 2012 11:35am
It's usually straight-forward - the uninstaller will warn you if something needs to be moved elsewhere (which is why it's the best option if you can, rather than just removing it from AD). 'Orphaned', in this context, just describes a situation where
the configuration data is hanging around, after the server is physically gone.Mobile OWA For Smartphone
email a@t leederbyshire d.0.t c.0.m
April 4th, 2012 11:45am
Hi draccus
If other's advice is helpful to your issue, please mark their case.
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April 4th, 2012 9:50pm
The "Old" server is now gone but I am having trouble with the public folder storage on the 2007 box. If I try and move it I get an error, The Object is no longer available, Press F5 to refresh ID no. 08840e19.
There is one folder left in the store that just won't go away. I can't delete it or move it to another Exchange server and System manager (I am using E2003 to move the DB) seems to think it isn't there anymore. So at this point in time i'm a
little stuck as to what to do. The Public folder store was moved and has been running from another server since November so this server isn't doing anything with exchange.
April 5th, 2012 7:13am
These are things you can probably safely remove in ADSI Edit, as long as you are sure they are not really there any more.Mobile OWA For Smartphone
email a@t leederbyshire d.0.t c.0.m
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 5th, 2012 8:01am
Hi Lee
Sorted, in the end I had to use EMS to remove the rogue public folder from our old exchange server. I can now run the uninstall without any errors.
Thanks again for your help
April 5th, 2012 10:08am