Remove ECP Notifications

Hi All and Happy Hump Day

OK, I think I have a somewhat goofy one...

Exchange 2013 Exchange Admin constantly shows at least one alert.  This one alert is quite old.  It is for a mailbox export request that completed (after a few failed attempts) a couple months back; but, keeps showing up.

If I were to do another mailbox export request, I would see two alerts - one being the new one, and the other being this pain in the butt one.

When I run Get-Notifications I of course see it and it shows the mailbox export request at only 11%
However, if I run Get-MailboxExportRequest I do not see anything

How can I get rid of this one notification?

  • Edited by Here Fishy Wednesday, September 02, 2015 3:35 PM more info
September 2nd, 2015 3:34pm

Hi Here,

It seems to be stuck in the arbitration mailbox.

Found this:

Exchange2013: EAC Clear Alerts/Notifications

The notification will eventually age out and disappear. There isnt a Remove-Notification cmdlet to suppress it.

Once you find out you can, Re-create the arbitration mailbox 

CAUTION: You might loose important information.

Arbitration system mailboxes keeps & stores organization wide data in them such as

  • eDiscovery Searches Metadata  ( if you are using  search-mailbox cmdlet with targetmailbox switch and offloading searched enterprise data, before deleting the Arbitration system mailboxes could get potential big with the metadata collection as repository)
  • Administrator audit logs  ( Ability to run Search-AdminAuditLog cmdlet )
  • Unified Messaging data, such as menus, dial plans, and custom greetings

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September 9th, 2015 12:07am

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