Remove Exchange 2007 as SMTP server
I've inherited a network that is running a mix of Exchange 2003 and 2007 beta (yeah, I know...). Prior to introducing the 2007 server into the mix, the 2003 server handled everything, including SMTP. However, when the existing admin installed 2007 beta, THAT server somehow became the SMTP server for outgoing messages. As it stands now, if we turn off that server no mail goes out.Can anyone give me some help in the correct way of getting this beta server "out of commission" and letting the existing 2003 server handle all tasks (we plan on upgrading to 2007 some time, but not yet). There are no mailboxes on the 2007 beta box, so removing it shouldn't be a problem, except that when we try to down it outgoing mail stops...I know next to nothing about Exchange, so be gentle :-)Jim
July 19th, 2007 10:29pm
Is there a SMTP connector created on the 2003 server?
If yes make sure that the cost of this is set to 1
If no create one and let this connector handle outhoing mails (this should be automatic with a cost of 1)
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July 19th, 2007 11:16pm
Hi Leif-No, there is no SMTP connector on the 2003 box (which makes me wonder how it sent out SMTP messages in the first place??) I'll try creating one as you suggest and see what happens...Jim
July 19th, 2007 11:26pm
In an organization with no SMTP Connectors, EACH E2K3 server will send outbound SMTP mail using it's SMTP virtual server. The SMTP Connector let's you direct all outbound mail through a specific server/SMTP virtual server. Good luck on cleaning up your system. Running beta software can be exciting!
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July 21st, 2007 1:00am