Remove SMTP Internal Headers
Hello All I want to remove my internal SMTP headers and hostnames from my outgoing emails. I also understand RFC standards but still its my need to do that. but i dont know how to do it. any help will be appreciated.thanks
October 27th, 2008 5:49am
Hi,You can deny anonymous connections the right to read this particular message property. You can do with with the Exchange Management Shell on a Hub Transport that is Internet-facing (sends e-mail directly to the Internet or to a 3rd party message hygiene system). Let's say that my Send connector is called "E2K7 SMTP to Internet", here is the EMS command:
Remove-ADPermission "E2K7 SMTP to Internet" -User "NT Authority\Anonymous Logon" -ExtendedRights Ms-Exch-Send-Headers-Routing
If you are using the Edge Transport server, you can do something very similar, but you simply revoke the Edge Transport Server's group permissions to do read the message header information. Here is the EMS command necessary to revoke the SMTP connector to an Edge Transport server (called "E2K7 SMTP to Edge Transport")
Remove-ADPermission "E2K7 SMTP to Edge Transport" -User "MS Exchange\Edge Transport Servers" -ExtendedRights Ms-Exch-Send-Headers-RoutingReferenceRemoving internal SMTP headers on Removing internal host names and IP addresses from message headers on hope it helps
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October 27th, 2008 6:16am
Exchange 2003: There isnt any method to remove internal header from emails natively in Exchange 2003. You need to use some third party tool or need to develop custom event sink to do so.
Exchange 2007: As Zohaib suggested remove anonymous logon permission on "Ms-Exch-Send-Headers-Routing" on connectors.
Step by step guide, with all screenshots, is available here.
How To: Remove Header from Outgoing Mails in Exchange2007
October 27th, 2008 7:22am
I have Exchange 2007 CAS+MBX+HUB Server. Thanks Zohaib Hafeez that method worked for me and now i am feeling pretty safe Thank you guys for helping me to get it done.
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October 27th, 2008 7:29am
can you recommend any 3rd party tool to accomplishe this task regarding
exchange 2003.
June 9th, 2012 7:24am