Remove a Failed Exchange 2003 Server
Hey Guys I have an Exchange 2003 that failed a while ago and was never logically removed. Now the physical server is no longer in existence and there is a new Exchange 2003 Server now. However, the old Exchange object still exists in Exchange System Manager. How can I remove this????jk
October 20th, 2010 9:52am

I will suggest you to remove it manually as its looking not in goos state so you can proper decommsion. Please follow below KB for go ahead. How to remove Exchange Server 2003 from your computer::
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October 20th, 2010 10:03am

Some more points ! As you said physical server is no longer existence, then you can just delete server from ESM (right click on server and select delete), after that proceed with remove server object from active directory using ADSI. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Windows 2000 Support Tools, point to Tools, and then click ADSI Edit. Expand the following items: Configuration Container CN=Configuration, DC=<var>Domain_Name</var>,DC=com CN=Services CN=Microsoft Exchange CN=<var>Your_Organization_Name</var> CN=Administrative Groups CN=<var>Your_Administrative_Group_Name_Or_Exchange5.5_Site_Name</var> CN=Servers Note In this procedure, <var>Domain_Name</var> represents the name of your domain, <var>Your_Organization_Name</var> represents the name of your organization, and <var>Your_Administrative_Group_Name_Or_Exchange5.5_Site_Name</var> represents for the name of your administrative group or Exchange Server 5.5 site. Right-click the Exchange Server 2003 server object, and then click Delete. Click Yes in every adsiedit dialog box that prompts you to confirm the deletion. Anil
October 20th, 2010 12:01pm

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