Remove local SMTP domain
Hi all, I want to put one of my local SMTP domain to outside mail server, I have removed the related e-mail address policy, and the SMTP domain from Accepted Domains from Organization Configuration - Hub Transport, (but those e-mail accounts with
that SMTP domain still keep in the Recipent Configuration - Mailbox). I tried to nslookup the domain and the MX record is already pointed to outside. When I tried to send an e-mail to the domain's e-mail address from my other local SMTP domain, it's still
deliver directly to the origin mailbox in our Exchange via Hub Transport, and not deliver to outside. is there any steps missing? Thank you!
April 14th, 2011 10:15am
This would make sense. If you remove the SMTP from yur internal users then how would the email get delivered if an email was sent to them?
Maybe you want to test from outside your Exchange Org. Then see which route the message takes.
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April 14th, 2011 10:26am
Thanks Sukh, but the SMTP domain is hosted outside already, and I was able to send e-mail to those e-mail address from gmail, hotmail, etc... but when I use my other local SMTP domain, it's still going to my exchange server, and not deliver to outside.
BTW, I figured it out. As I think I can still keep those e-mail address in my exchange server for backup, but actually cannot. I have to rename the e-mail address, then the email can deliver to outside now.
April 14th, 2011 10:59am