Remove old Client Access server
I had Exchangfe 2007 running on a Server 2003 system and started having problems with the server/hardware. I then loaded Server 2008 and exchange 2007 on a new machine. I apparently have all of the functionality transferred over to the new server - mailboxes, SMTP send and receive, Outlook, etc.The databases are one the new server and the Hub transport is disabled on the old server. However, when I try to remove the old server from the network by unplugging the net cable, OWA and Exchange ActiveSync hang until the net cable is plugged back in. I want to remove the CAS on the old server and move all functionality to the new server. What do I need to do
August 22nd, 2008 7:37am
Please verify what the difference on the configuration of IISbetween the old CAS and the new CAS, then check the settings in EMC.
We need ensure the configuration is same as the previous CAS.
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August 25th, 2008 10:08am