Removing Public Folder Database
I'm trying to remove Exchange 2007 from an organization that has 2 exchange 2003 servers.I removed every role but I cannot remove Management tools and what ever in left on the organization.I was able to remove the first storage group database but I cannot remove the public folder database because it say's that it containes folder replicas. The mailboxes located in the other 2 exchange servers.How can I remove the Public Folder of Exchange 2007 from the organization without losing any mailboxes from the other servers?
Thank you
March 23rd, 2007 7:20pm
Removing Exchange 2007 from an organisation?? I'm glad I'm not you ;)
Make sure you install the hub transport role on the exchange server (I'm guessing you have already uninstalled it). Create a bidirectional routing group connector to the Exchange 2003 servers.
Follow the procedure in
After that you can uninstall the server ( /mode:uninstall) and finally you can use the Exchange system manager to remove any E2K7 pubfolders from the Exchange organisation.
Now the most obvious parts of Exchange 2007 are removed. However during the forestprep and domainprep you changed a lot of permissions (check the setup logs and the installationscripts). You may want to take a look at those. If you ever need to reinstall exchange you can simply rerun the forestprep and domainprep.
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March 24th, 2007 6:59pm
I think you might have the same problem as this post. The only advice I can give beyond what it talks about is that you should wait to try removing again when Get-PublicFolderStatistics returns 0 for the different entries.
March 28th, 2007 1:52am