Removing old exchange server 2010
Hi all, I installed a new exchange server 2010 (exch) on the AD of the company. after a successfull installation, the new server detected an old installation of exchange 2010(exch1). in order to get rid of this old one, i googled this and i decided to recreate the old server with the same name ( /m:RecoverServer) and uninstall it correctly. unfortunately; i had an error in the installation procedure (translated): Hub transport role server.......................FAIL The following error occurred while executing "$error.Clear(); if ($exsSid -eq $null -or $exsSid -eq "") { $exsSid = get-ExchangeServerGroupSID -DomainController $RoleDomainController } start-setupservice -ServiceName MSExchangeADTopology -ServiceParameters $exsSid,$RoleDomainController" : "Service "MSExchangeADTopology" failed to achieve the status "Running" on this server. ". when i open start menu, i found exchange control pannel installed, when i open it, the new exchange server that i installed appears (exch) but not exch1. when i try an uninstall command (/m:uninstall); i had this error message: Mailbox role Progression......................... CHEC The following error occurred while executing "$error.Clear(); get-PublicFolderDatabase -server $RoleFqdnOrName | remove-PublicFolderDatabase -RemoveLastAllowed" : "Exchange can not verify the public folder replicas for" EXCH1 \ Second Storage Group \ Public Folder Database ". Verify that the information store is running on Microsoft EXCH1.Intranet.local and the database is properly installed. ". when i try a /m:RecoverServer i have this error: The installation program failed while performing the action "Uninstall". You can not resume the installation by performing the action "DisasterRecovery." The setup program for Exchange Server has encountered an error. What can i do in this situation?? thanks
October 24th, 2012 1:09pm

Why don't we remove the Old Server via Adsiedit.msc and fix the small errors - Instead of recovering and deleting it. I feel its a long process and its going to take a while. Satheshwaran Manoharan | Exchange 2003/2007/2010/2013 | Blog: | Please mark it as an answer if it really helps you ------------- I do not represent the organisation I work for, all the opinions expressed here are my own. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.
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October 24th, 2012 5:53pm

I really wanted to avoid this solution...but thanks, i will used it.
October 25th, 2012 4:54am

This might be a solution for your failed installation problem: I disagree with the previous poster and think the procedure you're performing is way better than to remove the server object manually with ADSIEdit. My suggestion would be to continue and try to solve any issues you encounter. This improves the chance of a healty and trouble free Exchange environment.Did my post help you? Please use "Vote As Helpful", "Mark as answer" or "Propose as answer". Thank you!
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October 25th, 2012 7:35am

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