Reoccuring appointments automatically accept for resources
We are using Exchange 2007. When we send a one time appointment, it is automatically accepted if the resource is available. If we send a reoccurring appointment and the room happens to be busy for one of the times, it is automatically declined or tentatively accepted. Is there any way to set up a resource so that it will accept the reoccurring appointment for the times its available and reject for the times it isn't? Thanks Scott
July 16th, 2008 9:08pm This may be achieve by manipulating the MailboxCalendarSettings in releation to 'when a resource can be scheduled. Review and work with the AllowConflicts, ConflictPercentatgeAllowed, and MaximumConflictInstances parameters. Let us know what works for you. Jeremy
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July 16th, 2008 9:53pm

I did change those settings logging into the resource mailbox through OWA but I can only get it to tentatively accept the meetings if there is a conflict, which is better than declining the whole thing all together.
July 16th, 2008 10:05pm

Run 'Get-MailboxCalendarSettings mailboxname | fl' and post the results to the blog so we can take a look. Jeremy
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July 16th, 2008 10:37pm

AutomateProcessing : AutoAcceptAllowConflicts : FalseBookingWindowInDays : 180MaximumDurationInMinutes : 1440AllowRecurringMeetings : TrueEnforceSchedulingHorizon : FalseScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours : FalseConflictPercentageAllowed : 25MaximumConflictInstances : 0ForwardRequestsToDelegates : FalseDeleteAttachments : FalseDeleteComments : FalseRemovePrivateProperty : TrueDeleteSubject : FalseDisableReminders : TrueAddOrganizerToSubject : FalseDeleteNonCalendarItems : FalseTentativePendingApproval : FalseEnableResponseDetails : TrueOrganizerInfo : TrueResourceDelegates : {}RequestOutOfPolicy : AllRequestOutOfPolicy : TrueBookInPolicy : AllBookInPolicy : TrueRequestInPolicy : AllRequestInPolicy : TrueAddAdditionalResponse : TrueAdditionalResponse : RemoveOldMeetingMessages : TrueAddNewRequestsTentatively : FalseProcessExternalMeetingMessages : TrueDefaultReminderTime : 15RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : FalseIdentity : ad_domain/Users/Resources/Room Sagan
July 16th, 2008 10:59pm

Try settigng the ConflictPercentageAllowed to 0 Let me know. Jeremy
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 16th, 2008 11:23pm

It still tenatively accepts the message. Thanks Scott
July 16th, 2008 11:33pm

Try setting theAllRequestInPolicy to $False Jeremy
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 17th, 2008 12:23am

I get the same result, sorry. Scott
July 17th, 2008 3:18pm

Hi Scott, Please use the following configuration: AllowConflicts: False ConflictPercentageAllowed: 99 MaximumConflictInstances: 5 (according to your situation) The ConflictPercentageAllowed is checked firstly, if it passes the percentage test, then it checks MaximumConflictInstances number. If you dont want to use the percentage ever, set it to 100% so youll be completely dependent on MaximumConflictInstances to decline the Meeting. According to the above settings, if the Conflict Instances are more than 5, the entire recurrence meeting series will be declined. Nevertheless, if the Conflict Instances is less than 5, only the conflict meeting will be declined. Mike
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 21st, 2008 1:36pm

That did the trick. THanks for the help!
July 21st, 2008 4:20pm

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