This isour current setup1)DC running active directory with windos 2003 main DC with Fsmo roles2)DC1 member server running exchnage 2003 hosting mailboxes3)DC2 member server exchangefront end I have found that whatever i am doing in exchnage server iee. DC1 is not getting replicated with DC and DC2,at same time when i do any chnages in DC it gets reflected in DC1 recently i created a new storage group in DC1 which i was not able to find in Dc and DC2,and i see lots of event id with 1864 in DC1 and it has crossed the tombstone as well Can any one help me out how do i recover with this
November 5th, 2009 1:21pm

This is really a Windows/AD question. I would ask this in the Windows forum to get a better answer.
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November 5th, 2009 5:34pm

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