Replication Problems!!
OK here is my scenario and the problems I am facing.I have a production (live) environment that is working fine, replications are happening and everything is happy there :)One of my projects for the 1st 1/4 this year is to test and see what the implications are to transition to server 2008. Our entire environment is running virtually (VMWare 3.5) I have DC at HQ, shut them down 1 at a time and made cold clones from them, and restarted the original to continue functioning as before. Once I was finished with the cloning of all three servers, I changed the network connectors on the clones so they can run in an isolated environment. Started them all up and everything looked fine, then I tried /forestprep and got errors stating that no replication is taking place, so I tried to force the replication and that didnt want to work. Eventually I found that if I run the command repadmin /options both inbound and outbound replication is disabled.So after that I am trying to enable the the replications for inbound and outbound and it works untill I try to replicate then the system just disables it again. I have picked up that everytime I try to replicate I get this error, EvenID: 2095 (in Directory Services) ONce I saw all this I rechecked the live DC's but they are all fine.VCould someone please shed some light on this issue, How to I get the servers to Replicate again.They all see eachother fine on the network, but when I try and demote one as DC, it says it cant connect to the other dc's, so I am taking this is also to do with the in/outbound replication thats disabled. If I run repadmin /bind I get thisC:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.BON.COM.NA>REPADMIN /BIND BONDC02Bind to BONDC02 succeeded.Extensions supported: BASE : Yes ASYNCREPL : Yes REMOVEAPI : Yes MOVEREQ_V2 : Yes GETCHG_COMPRESS : Yes DCINFO_V1 : Yes RESTORE_USN_OPTIMIZATION : Yes KCC_EXECUTE : Yes ADDENTRY_V2 : Yes LINKED_VALUE_REPLICATION : No DCINFO_V2 : Yes INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_REQ_ON_MOD : Yes CRYPTO_BIND : Yes GET_REPL_INFO : Yes STRONG_ENCRYPTION : Yes DCINFO_VFFFFFFFF : Yes TRANSITIVE_MEMBERSHIP : Yes ADD_SID_HISTORY : Yes POST_BETA3 : Yes GET_MEMBERSHIPS2 : Yes GETCHGREQ_V6 (WHISTLER PREVIEW) : Yes NONDOMAIN_NCS : Yes GETCHGREQ_V8 (WHISTLER BETA 1) : Yes GETCHGREPLY_V5 (WHISTLER BETA 2) : Yes GETCHGREPLY_V6 (WHISTLER BETA 2) : Yes ADDENTRYREPLY_V3 (WHISTLER BETA 3): Yes GETCHGREPLY_V7 (WHISTLER BETA 3) : Yes VERIFY_OBJECT (WHISTLER BETA 3) : Yes XPRESS_COMPRESSION : YesSite GUID: 5a27a752-b949-4dc6-ad92-97de81f43c3dRepl epoch: 0C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.BON.COM.NA>REPADMIN /BIND BONDC001Bind to BONDC001 succeeded.Extensions supported: BASE : Yes ASYNCREPL : Yes REMOVEAPI : Yes MOVEREQ_V2 : Yes GETCHG_COMPRESS : Yes DCINFO_V1 : Yes RESTORE_USN_OPTIMIZATION : Yes KCC_EXECUTE : Yes ADDENTRY_V2 : Yes LINKED_VALUE_REPLICATION : No DCINFO_V2 : Yes INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_REQ_ON_MOD : Yes CRYPTO_BIND : Yes GET_REPL_INFO : Yes STRONG_ENCRYPTION : Yes DCINFO_VFFFFFFFF : Yes TRANSITIVE_MEMBERSHIP : Yes ADD_SID_HISTORY : Yes POST_BETA3 : Yes GET_MEMBERSHIPS2 : Yes GETCHGREQ_V6 (WHISTLER PREVIEW) : Yes NONDOMAIN_NCS : Yes GETCHGREQ_V8 (WHISTLER BETA 1) : Yes GETCHGREPLY_V5 (WHISTLER BETA 2) : Yes GETCHGREPLY_V6 (WHISTLER BETA 2) : Yes ADDENTRYREPLY_V3 (WHISTLER BETA 3): Yes GETCHGREPLY_V7 (WHISTLER BETA 3) : Yes VERIFY_OBJECT (WHISTLER BETA 3) : Yes XPRESS_COMPRESSION : YesSite GUID: 5a27a752-b949-4dc6-ad92-97de81f43c3dRepl epoch: 0Any help here would be appreciated
January 16th, 2009 12:48pm

The first thing that popped in to my head on your question is whether or not DNS is working fine in this environment. Have you fired up NETDIAG from the W2K3 Support Tools to see if there are DNS (or other) problems? You might have better luck with this question in a Windows/Active Directory rather than here inan Exchangegroup. Not that we Exchange dewds are not AD savvy, but an AD group might have more insight in to this. Jim McBee - Blog -
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January 17th, 2009 4:39am

AHHHH :( my bad sorry guys, thought thts was under general admin, didnt notice that I was still in the exchange subtree, plz ignore this message
January 19th, 2009 1:12pm

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