Hi guys I'm new to Sharepoint andI ama helpdesk tec. Ireally don't know much aboutsharepoint, but I did manage to customizea helpdesk templatefor my work.Our network guysare the one's that setup theback-end, and my job is to maintain the front-end.
My manager was asking if the "helpdesk" template can print reports for how may open calls we have, how long it takes to resolve a call,can it show which dept have the most open calls......issues like that. Also if it can do it in chart form
I have noidea how I can generate I need another tool? does the helpdesk template have a section where I can setupand customize reports?
Configuring this template was not hardso I'm hoping I just misseda boxthat I need to check off.
Please help andif you candumb it down for me.......sorry
thank you
October 22nd, 2008 11:34pm
This is an exchange news group.
I believe that you would get much better response in a sharepoint news group as this:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 22nd, 2008 11:40pm
Thanks for the help I'll repost there
October 22nd, 2008 11:52pm